Why is Math Important in our Daily Life?


Math is very useful in everyday life. Math can help us do many things that are important in our everyday lives. Here are some daily tasks for which math is important:

Managing time: Keeping a track of time is very important to do all you love to do

Budgeting: Managing money, understanding discounts, and buying for the best price

Sports: Score, Time, Strategizing to win

Cooking: Measuring the ingredients to add to a recipe, kitchen inventory planning

Exercising and Dieting

Driving: Distance traveled, the shortest route to take to reach a destination

Home Decorating

Stitching: Measurements to stitch a dress

Critical Thinking

The base of other Subjects


Some Real-Life Examples with Activities
Managing Time
When we get up in the morning, we see the time of waking to verify whether we have enough time to complete various tasks. (Awareness of time, reading a clock/watch, planning one’s routine)

Task: Encourage the kids to make a daily timetable for their daily activities allocating time for their hobbies, academics, leisure, sports, etc.

How much is this shirt or blouse going to cost once the 50% sale is applied? What about once the taxes are added? Do you prefer to gather your things and hope for a great deal on the cash counter? Or know the price before heading there.

That takes math knowledge and at least a basic understanding of how percentages work.

calculator and money

Task: Fix pocket money for your kids and guide them to manage it in a proper way.

Exercising and Dieting
Guy doing exercising

We set our routine according to our workout schedule, count the number of repetitions while exercising, etc., just based on math.

Task: let the kids practice any type of exercise like skipping, push-ups, running, and ask them to keep a count of their repetitions.

kid playing sports

Basic knowledge of math also helps keep track of scores for every sports activity. Geometry and trigonometry can help your teens who want to improve their skills in sports. It can help them find the best way to hit a ball, make a basket or run around the track.

Task: Introduce the kids to a new sport on TV and let them judge the winning team.

The recipe calls for “3 tablespoons” of salt. You only have a teaspoon or a soup spoon. The recipe calls for “2 cups,” but you only have a quarter cup measuring tool and a half cup measuring tool. How much adds up to “2 ”? You may know the answer.But that’s because you understand math, fractions, and conversions.tablespoon of sugar

Task: Bake a cake

Operating a car or motorcycle is ultimately nothing but a series of calculations viz., How many kilometers needed to reach the destination? How much petrol in the car? How many kilometers per hour am I able to drive? How many kilometers per liter does my car get? Oh no, I’ve hit a traffic jam, and now my pace has slowed, am I still going to make it to work on time?

All of these questions are extremely easily answered with basic math skills.

Task: Calculate the speed of the school bus by using the distance and time of travel.

Home Decorating

How many rolls of wallpaper do we need for this wall? What’s the difference between a meter and a square meter? Do we have enough space to fit in your favorite couch? Common questions when you are trying to set up your new space or apartment. It’s very important to know these basics before you head to a store, otherwise, you will end up coming back empty-handed as the sales representative won’t be able to help you without the proper input from your side.

You should have a fair knowledge of dimensions and units and unit conversions to be able to sail through. It seems fairly simple if you know how to do the math.

Task: Help the kids to measure their study table.

Just home decorating, math is also an essential concept of fashion designing. From taking measurements, estimating the quantity and quality of clothes, choosing the color theme, estimating the cost and profit, to produce cloth according to the needs and tastes of the customers, math is followed at every stage.

Task: Join the cut pieces of waste cloth and make a small table cover.

Critical Thinking
Technically ‘critical thinking’ is not even Math as there are no numbers involved. But knowledge of Math surely increases the ability to think critically.

The more math skills you gain, the more you observe the minute details, question the available data, rule out unnecessary data and analyze it further for your benefit.

Critical thinking

Task: Solve a puzzle

The base of all other subjects
Though math is itself a unique subject. But, you would be surprised to know that it forms the base for every subject. The subjects like physics, chemistry, economics, history, accountancy, statistics, in fact; every subject is based upon math.

So, next time you say, “I’m not going to study this math subject ever!” remember, this subject will not be going to leave you ever.

Task: Takedown the important dates in the History in chronological order.

Math is a tool in our hands to make our life smoother. The more mathematical we are in our approach, the more rational would be our thoughts. It’s time to understand the importance of the subject and enjoy the beauty of it. Math is a medium that should be embraced by everyone in all our walks of life.


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