Long Hair vs Short Hair: Which Is Better On Men?


So you’re thinking of growing your hair out. But before you make your decision, you want to know if it’s worth it.

It takes time, patience, and dedication. There can be ramifications from your job if they don’t allow long hair. And some may ask if long hair is masculine.

In today’s article, I’m going head to head with Long Hair Youtube star Trav White for a 7 round showdown between long hair vs short hair on men.

This article is sponsored by VITAMAN. Gents – whether you have long or short hair – you need to use the right products. I’m talking about natural men’s hair products that nourish your scalp and hair from the follicle up – leaving it strong, shiny, and manageable.

Long Hair vs Short Hair Round 1 – Individuality
Short hair on men has been a symbol of masculinity in the west for hundreds of years.

Where short hair really shines for individuality is when you cut it to become a part of your style and personality.

Grooming is an extension of your image. So whether you go for an undercut, or a combover, or a pompadour, or a quiff, this is when short hair starts to shine.

You have so many more options to change it up with short hair. You can cut your hair to match your face shape, whereas with long hair if it doesn’t suit you, it just doesn’t suit you.

Short hair gives more options and a much wider variety to choose from. This wide array of options allows each guy to embrace who they are and make their hair a part of their unique style.

Many more options for products to be able to style it. Most products out there can work medium to shorter hair and you can style it in a lot of ways.

Long Hair vs Short Hair: Which Is Better On Men?
So you’re thinking of growing your hair out. But before you make your decision, you want to know if it’s worth it.

It takes time, patience, and dedication. There can be ramifications from your job if they don’t allow long hair. And some may ask if long hair is masculine.

In today’s article, I’m going head to head with Long Hair Youtube star Trav White for a 7 round showdown between long hair vs short hair on men.

man with short hair and man with long hair
The events in this showdown will be:

Round 1 – Individuality
Round 2 – Historical Significance
Round 3 – Professionalism
Round 4 – Attraction
Round 5 – Upkeep & Care
Round 6 – In The Movies
Round 7 – Which One Looks Best?

This article is sponsored by VITAMAN. Gents – whether you have long or short hair – you need to use the right products. I’m talking about natural men’s hair products that nourish your scalp and hair from the follicle up – leaving it strong, shiny, and manageable.
Click here to head over to my company VITAMAN and discover the best hair products you’ll find online.

Our haircare products incorporate Quandong Seed Extract, which is extremely high in Vitamin C. It’s excellent for treating sore, itchy, dry skin and controlling skin irritations and inflammation. It’s the perfect ingredient to use for dealing with dry scalp and dandruff.

Long Hair vs Short Hair Round 1 – Individuality

man with short hair with woman
Short hair on men has been a symbol of masculinity in the west for hundreds of years.

Where short hair really shines for individuality is when you cut it to become a part of your style and personality.

Grooming is an extension of your image. So whether you go for an undercut, or a combover, or a pompadour, or a quiff, this is when short hair starts to shine.

You have so many more options to change it up with short hair. You can cut your hair to match your face shape, whereas with long hair if it doesn’t suit you, it just doesn’t suit you.

Short hair gives more options and a much wider variety to choose from. This wide array of options allows each guy to embrace who they are and make their hair a part of their unique style.

Many more options for products to be able to style it. Most products out there can work medium to shorter hair and you can style it in a lot of ways.

Long hair argument
Long Hair vs Short Hair: Which Is Better On Men?

So you’re thinking of growing your hair out. But before you make your decision, you want to know if it’s worth it.

It takes time, patience, and dedication. There can be ramifications from your job if they don’t allow long hair. And some may ask if long hair is masculine.

In today’s article, I’m going head to head with Long Hair Youtube star Trav White for a 7 round showdown between long hair vs short hair on men.

man with short hair and man with long hair
The events in this showdown will be:

Round 1 – Individuality
Round 2 – Historical Significance
Round 3 – Professionalism
Round 4 – Attraction
Round 5 – Upkeep & Care
Round 6 – In The Movies
Round 7 – Which One Looks Best?
This article is sponsored by VITAMAN. Gents – whether you have long or short hair – you need to use the right products. I’m talking about natural men’s hair products that nourish your scalp and hair from the follicle up – leaving it strong, shiny, and manageable.

Click here to head over to my company VITAMAN and discover the best hair products you’ll find online.

Our haircare products incorporate Quandong Seed Extract, which is extremely high in Vitamin C. It’s excellent for treating sore, itchy, dry skin and controlling skin irritations and inflammation. It’s the perfect ingredient to use for dealing with dry scalp and dandruff.

Long Hair vs Short Hair Round 1 – Individuality
Short hair argument
man with short hair with woman
Short hair on men has been a symbol of masculinity in the west for hundreds of years.

Where short hair really shines for individuality is when you cut it to become a part of your style and personality.

Grooming is an extension of your image. So whether you go for an undercut, or a combover, or a pompadour, or a quiff, this is when short hair starts to shine.

You have so many more options to change it up with short hair. You can cut your hair to match your face shape, whereas with long hair if it doesn’t suit you, it just doesn’t suit you.

Short hair gives more options and a much wider variety to choose from. This wide array of options allows each guy to embrace who they are and make their hair a part of their unique style.

Many more options for products to be able to style it. Most products out there can work medium to shorter hair and you can style it in a lot of ways.

Long hair argument
man with long hair with woman
I agree with that but I would argue that short hair on men, while it may not be like that today, it started as conformity. Every culture that conquered another culture would force them to cut their hair as a sign of submission.

And to some degree, it’s still like that today, many places require short hair for men. In most workplaces, in schools, young men must have their hair short.

Additionally, short hair started to become the norm during World War I.

Men had military cuts for functional reasons. Whether it was to prevent lice and fleas while spending days in the trenches or shaving it so their enemies couldn’t use their hair as a weapon against them.

Short hair became the main symbol of masculinity after the war with military men influencing grooming similar to how they do with style.

So short hair, as most men’s fashion happens as well, became a symbol of men’s style & masculinity from the military in the west.

So because of that, in my opinion, growing your hair out is the ultimate form of individuality. Because Individuality comes down to going against the grain and rocking it with confidence.

In western culture, long hair symbolizes going against the grain.

This is most apparent when you look at the 60s era with counterculture movement and continued into the 70s and 80s with rock n roll.

Also, given that MOST men in the world have short hair, the ultimate way to show your individuality IS through long hair. It’s saying that you don’t want to conform to what culture demands of you.

Long Hair vs Short Hair Round 2 – Historical Significance
For a time, long hair was incredibly popular. Many warriors and tribes around the world would wear long hair. But it wasn’t long before they realized it was a disadvantage.

Nearly all the long-haired warriors of the past died off or were conquered and forced to cut their hair.

Vikings, Spartans, Mongols, etc.

Long Hair vs Short Hair: Which Is Better On Men?
So you’re thinking of growing your hair out. But before you make your decision, you want to know if it’s worth it.

It takes time, patience, and dedication. There can be ramifications from your job if they don’t allow long hair. And some may ask if long hair is masculine.

In today’s article, I’m going head to head with Long Hair Youtube star Trav White for a 7 round showdown between long hair vs short hair on men.

man with short hair and man with long hair
The events in this showdown will be:

Round 1 – Individuality
Round 2 – Historical Significance
Round 3 – Professionalism
Round 4 – Attraction
Round 5 – Upkeep & Care
Round 6 – In The Movies
Round 7 – Which One Looks Best?
This article is sponsored by VITAMAN. Gents – whether you have long or short hair – you need to use the right products. I’m talking about natural men’s hair products that nourish your scalp and hair from the follicle up – leaving it strong, shiny, and manageable.

Click here to head over to my company VITAMAN and discover the best hair products you’ll find online.

Our haircare products incorporate Quandong Seed Extract, which is extremely high in Vitamin C. It’s excellent for treating sore, itchy, dry skin and controlling skin irritations and inflammation. It’s the perfect ingredient to use for dealing with dry scalp and dandruff.
Long Hair vs Short Hair Round 1 – Individuality

man with short hair with woman
Short hair on men has been a symbol of masculinity in the west for hundreds of years.

Where short hair really shines for individuality is when you cut it to become a part of your style and personality.

Grooming is an extension of your image. So whether you go for an undercut, or a combover, or a pompadour, or a quiff, this is when short hair starts to shine.

You have so many more options to change it up with short hair. You can cut your hair to match your face shape, whereas with long hair if it doesn’t suit you, it just doesn’t suit you.

Short hair gives more options and a much wider variety to choose from. This wide array of options allows each guy to embrace who they are and make their hair a part of their unique style.

Many more options for products to be able to style it. Most products out there can work medium to shorter hair and you can style it in a lot of ways.

Long hair argument
man with long hair with woman
I agree with that but I would argue that short hair on men, while it may not be like that today, it started as conformity. Every culture that conquered another culture would force them to cut their hair as a sign of submission.

And to some degree, it’s still like that today, many places require short hair for men. In most workplaces, in schools, young men must have their hair short.

Additionally, short hair started to become the norm during World War I.

Men had military cuts for functional reasons. Whether it was to prevent lice and fleas while spending days in the trenches or shaving it so their enemies couldn’t use their hair as a weapon against them.

Short hair became the main symbol of masculinity after the war with military men influencing grooming similar to how they do with style.

So short hair, as most men’s fashion happens as well, became a symbol of men’s style & masculinity from the military in the west.

So because of that, in my opinion, growing your hair out is the ultimate form of individuality. Because Individuality comes down to going against the grain and rocking it with confidence.

In western culture, long hair symbolizes going against the grain.

This is most apparent when you look at the 60s era with counterculture movement and continued into the 70s and 80s with rock n roll.

Also, given that MOST men in the world have short hair, the ultimate way to show your individuality IS through long hair. It’s saying that you don’t want to conform to what culture demands of you.

Long Hair vs Short Hair Round 2 – Historical Significance
Short hair argument

spartan warrior with short hair
For a time, long hair was incredibly popular. Many warriors and tribes around the world would wear long hair. But it wasn’t long before they realized it was a disadvantage.

Nearly all the long-haired warriors of the past died off or were conquered and forced to cut their hair.

Vikings, Spartans, Mongols, etc.

As civilization and technology advanced, and the population in one area became denser, short hair became preferred as long hair was harder to keep clean and prevent the spreading of fleas and lice. It also became functionally safer.

During the industrial revolution men would operate machinery or work dangerous jobs or go off to war, short hair was much more functional and could be the difference between life and death.

Alexander the Great was a leader who required his warriors to have short hair because it gave them advantages on the battlefield.

Also, the two biggest reasons that men cut their hair shorter in history?

War & baldness. Over 50% of men lose their hair as they age. So making short hair a part of the culture was a way to flip the script of how long hair used to be perceived as nobility and short hair as slavery.

Over time short hair started to become the symbol of masculinity as that perception shifted.

Long Hair Argument
If you look at cultures all over the world. Hair has meant many things to many different groups of people.

Seeing Long hair as feminine or unprofessional IS a western, and I would argue newly western, idea dating back to around World War I.

We can start with ancient Greece, long male hair was a symbol of wealth and power, and a shaved head was a symbol of slavery.

This is also what the Vikings believed as well by the way. Vikings took their hair and beards VERY seriously.

In fact, it was believed that the Vikings used to groom their hair with tools made from deer and elk antlers and they would seduce Saxon noblewomen quite often because they were so well-groomed & bathed.

They believed short hair meant you were a thrall or a slave.

In Greek and Roman mythology you will see gods like Zeus, Achilles, and Apollo all portrayed with long hair and beards.

Historically, long hair on men symbolized strength.

You can look at the Native American tribes, many of which believed long hair was a symbol of honor and strength, and if they cut their hair it’s a sign of submission.

But some of the fiercest warriors of all time wore their hair long.


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