Monday, May 6, 2024

Live Smart

Living Smart has been the catalyst for puffing you on the path to achieving some goals you have wanted to or a while. Living Smart attracts a group Of inspiring people that want to make a positive difference to the world we live in. Encourages us to make small changes, but also confidence to make extraordinary changes too. Living Smart is being aware Of the actions you do and the choices you make and how they contribute to the world around in which was share with all organisms. Smart living is community, ideas, sharing, sustainability,being better, talking about ideas, social, mental, health, well being, bring active, living to 100, making friends, learning awareness, knowledge, growing your own food, helping others, simpler living, back to basics. Rather than just developing an awareness of issues and hoping people change their behaviour, Living Smart is based on sound methods to encourage behaviour change in individuals. These methods include in-class goal setting and regular sharing of intended and achieved actions building commitment to act and positive role modelling.

What Happens to Your Body, When You Skip Breakfast?

You may have heard many times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And if you are wondering why? The answer...

Qualities That Make You a Good Leader

Being a leader at your workplace isn’t easy. Leadership traits refer to personal qualities that define effective leaders. Leadership refers to the ability of an...

Do’s and Don’ts in Hair Wash

Hair is one of the most important features for any and every girl out there. If your hair looks good, you can carry any...

What Your Heart Rate Tells About Your Health?

Heart rate is important because the heart's function is so important. The heart circulates oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body. When it's not...

What Does Fish Oil Do For Your Health?

Fish oil is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that supports general health and well-being. As the name suggests, fish...

Surprising Benefits of Waking Up Before Sunrise

Early mornings for some can be a drag, and let’s be honest here, there will always be morning’s especially when it’s dark outside that...

Why Laughter is the Best Medicine?

Have you ever been in a tense or difficult situation when you suddenly burst into a fit of giggles? Laughter is healing, rejuvenating, and...

Tips to get rid of bad breath

Bad breath is a commonly occurring health problem. The medical term for it is halitosis. Bad breath is usually the result of poor oral...

Pranayama (Breathing Exercise): Boost Your Lung Capacity to fight against Corona...

The lungs provide the body with life-giving oxygen on a moment-by-moment basis while expelling carbon dioxide waste along the way. Considering how essential these...

What are the Powerful Ways to reach Your Goals?

Do you ever feel like you reach for the stars and never seem to get the results you want? You aim high and hope...

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