Treat Throat Infection at Home


Itching in the throat and soreness of the throat is common symptoms of a throat infection. However, the deadly COVID-19 infection-gives us a lesson that never takes your health for granted, not even a throat infection or cold.

The throat irritation or itchiness can make it difficult for you to concentrate on your daily chores. It makes you very irritated that even you cannot drink or eat. Sometimes it may lead to terrible throat pain that may affect your voice. Throat infection has a self-healing capability. But, in some severe instances, it is always better to see your physician.

What is throat infection?

Throat infection or pharyngitis is a painful inflammation of the back part of the throat (pharynx). The infection may involve some or all of the throat as per its severity. The most common cause of a sore throat (pharyngitis) is a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu.

The viral throat infection peaks up in the winters and early spring. This infection may found in kids as well as in adults. The throat infection in children younger than 2 years old may due to a specific streptococcal bacterial infection.

What are the symptoms of throat infection?

  • Pain or itching in the throat
  • Difficulty while swallowing or talking
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Fever, cold, cough, and headache
  • Swollen and red tonsils

Home remedies for throat infection:

There are some simple ways that you need to keep in mind to get rid of the infection.

A)Saltwater gargle 

Saltwater gargle is the most effective first-aid solution for throat infection. Salt works as an antiseptic that helps to reduce infection and inflammation. Warm salt water helps to soothe a sore throat and break down secretions.

Mix ¼ teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Gargle at least two-three times a day. This solution will rinse off the infection and also loosen the accumulated mucus in the throat.


Hone is an effective bacterial killer helps to control and reduces the infection instantly. It also moistens your throat and decreases dryness. It is specifically beneficial in night dry cough.

You can make a honey-ginger tea that is the perfect combination to reduce your throat inflammation and infection.

C)Turmeric milk 

Drinking warm milk with a pinch of turmeric treats sore throat, cold, and even persistent coughs. When drunk regularly, it reduces pain and inflammation from a sore throat.


Ginger is a natural anti-allergic and decongestant remedy which works wonderfully to treat throat infection. Drink ginger tea for its instant effects. It cures excess mucus associated with respiratory conditions.


Garlic contains a compound named Allicin which has powerful anti-bacterial properties. It kills germs and bacteria from the throat and subsequently soothes the inflamed throat. Chewing on raw garlic can be beneficial in subsiding the throat pain instantly.

F)Licorice root gargle 

Licorice root has been used since ancient times to treat throat infections. It has pain-relieving properties and can help boost the immune system to fight viruses associated with respiratory illnesses.

Mix licorice root with warm water for gargling for instant relief from congestion.

G)Herbal tea 

Herbal tea is one of the best solutions for throat infections and pain. The herbals such as ginger, licorice, peppermint, and cinnamon have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

To make a herbal tea with 2 parts ginger, 2 parts cinnamon, and 3 parts licorice. Steep this mixture in water for 5-10 minutes and drink at least three times a day.

What are the throat infection home remedies for kids?

It’s not easy to manage throat infections in kids. Still, there are some tips,

  1. Steam inhalation – it is the best option for kids to moisten the throat and reduce dryness.
  2. Keep children hydrated.
  3. Give warm fluids or soup to drink.
  4. Avoid cold drinks, juices, and popsicles.


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