Sunday, April 28, 2024

Live Smart

Living Smart has been the catalyst for puffing you on the path to achieving some goals you have wanted to or a while. Living Smart attracts a group Of inspiring people that want to make a positive difference to the world we live in. Encourages us to make small changes, but also confidence to make extraordinary changes too. Living Smart is being aware Of the actions you do and the choices you make and how they contribute to the world around in which was share with all organisms. Smart living is community, ideas, sharing, sustainability,being better, talking about ideas, social, mental, health, well being, bring active, living to 100, making friends, learning awareness, knowledge, growing your own food, helping others, simpler living, back to basics. Rather than just developing an awareness of issues and hoping people change their behaviour, Living Smart is based on sound methods to encourage behaviour change in individuals. These methods include in-class goal setting and regular sharing of intended and achieved actions building commitment to act and positive role modelling.

use active listening to identify and address microaggressions in the workplace

Microaggressions are subtle, often unintentional, forms of discrimination or prejudice that can harm the well-being and performance of marginalized groups in the workplace. They...

What is Data Science?

This article provides an overview of data science, its key components, impactful tools and technologies, and business and industry use cases. It also discusses...

Productivity Vs Efficiency Which Is More Important and Why?

Most countries are still feeling the economic consequences of the systemic supply chain disruptions that have become endemic to economies everywhere. With production and...

Want a to-do list that is more productive?

Have you been trying to figure out how to make a productive to-do list? Not a busy list but an actual to-do list? Where does...

Overview of Self-Injection Packs and the Redaman Malware

OALabs is an excellent YouTube channel with videos on Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis. Since I don't really cover Malware Analysis, I thought this...

How to Locate Hidden Characters in Machine Language Encoded Functions

Binance suspends trading. A programming error can be devastating for an exchange. In February 2018, Binance suspended trades for two days due to a programming...

CRM and Mailchimp for process automation Instantly

Create your first workflow Quickly automate workflows with Agile CRM and Mailchimp using Zapier's templates. How Zapier works Zapier lets you build automated workflows between two or...

AI Have Future Profits in Digital Marketing

Once marketing wasn’t customer-centric like TV ads, Billboard ads, or man-to-man marketing, but after introducing digital marketing, it is now more focused on potential...

What Are AI Ethics?

AI is a powerful tool that should be used responsibly and thoughtfully to reduce harm. I ethics is a set of guiding principles designed to...

How to Spot Deepfake Technology

The AI that powers poses all sorts of questions for consumers of media. Using a couple of simple principles, though, you can develop a...

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