Importance of Magnesium


Magnesium is a mineral found in the body. Low levels of magnesium can cause ill effects at a cellular level. With high levels of magnesium deficiency you can develop muscle weakness, depression, high blood pressure and heart disease. Magnesium helps to send important signals in the body. It has a strong connection with nerve cells. Magnesium helps to prevent over-stimulation of nerve cells.

Calcium & Magnesium connection:

Calcium makes the heart muscles to contract. Magnesium controls this effect and makes the heart cells to relax. Low magnesium levels in the body cause irregular heart beat

How Magnesium is important for a healthy heart:

Magnesium maintains ideal blood pressure level. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It controls blood sugar levels. When there is an increase in the intake of magnesium, blood sugar levels come down considerably. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and it has a calming effect on nerve cells. It helps you relax and fall asleep faster.

How Magnesium helps to reduce the symptoms of depression:

It is clinically proven that during depression, the body has low level of magnesium. This is true because stress makes the body deplete magnesium. Hence depression is mostly treated with magnesium supplements as it helps to balance the chemicals in the brain. Magnesium regulates cortisol, stress hormone levels in the body. It prevents excess cortisol production.

Magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to heal thyroid and aids in optimum level of hormone production. It helps in the production of reproductive hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Include these foods in your regular diet to get bio available magnesium:

Leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, collard greens, amaranth and drumstick leaves

Avocado, banana

Almonds, cashew, brazil nuts

Flax seed, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds

Wheat, oats, barley, quinoa

Lentils, chickpea, peas, soybeans


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