Holiday Diabetes- Holiday Tips for Children with Diabetes


Holidays are a great time to spend time with friends, families, and kids, indulging in celebration, filled with delicious feasts, cookies, desserts, and traditional candies. If you embrace the holiday tips for children with diabetes then you are on a safer side.

They may find candies everywhere. Children with diabetes need more attention since the signature recipes contain carb (carbohydrate). It’s very challenging to maintain carb counting. You need to look after their eating choices like amounts of food and beverages they should intake.

Sweets will them but they’re the worst enemy for diabetic children. Managing the right diet plans for your children can be stressful during the holiday season. Here are the best holiday tips for children with diabetes.

Amazing 10-Holiday Tips for Children with Diabetes!

1. Celebrate with Food

You require to give more attention to their eating habits like what food they should eat and whatnot. If you are preparing foods and desserts for the holiday celebration then it’s the best idea to make the children pick three of the five food groups at a time.

2. Make Them Eat Non-Starchy Vegetables

It’s an excellent way to make them eat non-starchy vegetables such as celery, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, zucchini and other non-starchy vegetables which are low in carbohydrates. By doing this, they can enjoy the holiday with a healthy diet.

3. Add All Food Types in Your Holiday Feast

It’s better if you include all types of foods in your feast in spite of restricting some. If you restrict they will end up eating foods that are unhealthy.

4. Be a Good Food Maker/Model

Be a good role model for your kids as they tend to follow your footsteps including food habits. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to raise your kids with healthy food habits.

5. Count Carbohydrates for Your Kids

Count your child’s carb intake. You must have a count on carbohydrates when your child takes insulin. It’s fine if you compromise on taking a small amount of carb at holiday feasts

6. Do Not Push Them to Finish the Meal

If your child is full and is unable to finish, it’s always better to avoid forcing them to finish the food on their plate. Don’t forget to monitor the sugar level very closely.

7. Allow Some Desserts

If it’s a celebration time, you can’t restrict them from eating sweets. Allow them to take a small number of sweets or other feasts.

8. Kindly Avoid Sugar-Free Foods

It’s a good idea to keep an eye on sugar-free products because it may include sugar alcohol that lead your kids to face belly pain or diarrhea.

9. Monitor the Glucose Level

During the holiday season, you indulge in foods, activity, and stress which can affect blood glucose. It is better if you are monitoring your sugar level now and then.

10. Plan Activities for Kids

Plan some activities like games, or take them for a family walk which helps them avoid sweet cravings and also can maintain the sugar level if they occupied in some other activities. It is necessary to have a healthy lifestyle.

Don’t spoil your holiday by restricting their eating choices and activities. It’s better to reserve some special foods for the holiday. Prepare a healthy feast with some desserts can make your holiday healthier.


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