Sunday, April 28, 2024

Weight Loss

Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health, or physical fitness, refers to a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and other connective tissue.This can either occur unintentionally due to malnourishment or an underlying disease or arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state. Weight Loss made easy trough simple, day to day adaptation to behavioral & habitual alterations that could lead you to a fit and healthy lifestyle. We'll give you enough and more reasons for Weight Loss, Food tips, Diet schedules, Month long Modules, Motivational testimonies and all that info that will get you shed that extra flab. Kick start a your life again - bring back that feeling of being fit & healthy, enjoy a superlative sex life and prescribe to a Life-long Healthy Lifestyle.

'COVID-19' and 'stay at home' are some of the most trending words since the last three months. The ongoing pandemic has made severe changes to our lifestyle, thereby, indirectly affecting our physical and psychological well-being. We moved from working...
Low carbohydrate diets can be very effective for weight loss, according to research. Reducing carbs tends to reduce your appetite and cause automatic weight loss, or weight loss without the need to count calories. For some people, a low carb diet...
The box jump is an explosive exercise that strengthens the muscles of the lower body, including the quads, glutes, calves, and hamstrings. They also develop power in the lower body while revving the heart rate. Box jumps can be...
Is eating green bananas healthy? Yes, it is. They contain a lot of fiber, resistant starch, they’re rich in potassium; it can absorb nutrients, good for prebiotic bacteria and rich in vitamins. You can include green bananas even in...
If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s easy to be tempted by diets that promise weight loss fast. While some diets are obviously gimmicky and not worth your time, the promise of a low-fat or low-carb diet sparking weight...
Chances are, you have at least one friend who "counts macros." IIFYM ("If it fits your macros") is popping up in photo captions for everything from meal-prepped chicken-and-veggie lunches to dripping ice cream cones, and millions of people are...
The diet calls for more veggies-but almost entirely forbids fruit. Low-carb diets aren't exactly a novel idea. The combination of reducing carbohydrate intake-and increasing the amount of protein and vegetables you eat has been a popular weight-loss practice for some...
People around the world drink tea. Hundreds of varieties exist, from white to black and green to oolong. They all naturally have high amounts of health-promoting substances called flavonoids. So they’re thought to bring down inflammation and help protect...
You want to drop a few pounds and tighten up trouble areas, but you're not sure where to begin. How do you start your weight loss journey? It's simple: Exercise. That's not to say that getting fit is easy. Exercise is...
LOSING weight can be promoted by numerous lifestyle changes, including changing your diet. But that can be aided by increasing something else, too. There are numerous benefits to being physically active and doctors recommend increasing it in order to lose...

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