3 Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Body Composition


Here at the beginning of year , it’s easy and even natural to set goals on how to improve yourself. Maybe you want to learn a new skill like cooking or painting. Maybe you want to go back to school and earn a higher degree. For many people, personal health, wellness, and fitness are large areas ripe for improvement. You may want to lose weight, build muscle, exercise more, or do all of the above. If you want to improve your body and your health , you may want to start with your body composition. Starting here effectively lays the groundwork for optimal fitness and health over time. Your body composition refers to how muscle and fat are distributed throughout your body. Knowing what you’re working is the first step to body composition improvement because it allows you to set goals and a plan for better health and wellness. Not sure how to improve your body composition, let alone measure it? We’ve got you covered on all you need to know about body composition plus 3 ways to dramatically improve it this year.

How to Measure Your Body Composition
Before you can begin improving your body composition, you have to know what you’re dealing with first. To do this, you have to measure your body composition. Measuring your body composition is simple enough and can be done a number of ways. The point of the measurement is to find out how much body fat you carry and where, as well as your body’s distribution of muscle and muscle mass. In addition to figuring out how much body fat you’re carrying and where, body composition measurements also tell you what kind of fat you’re carrying. Some fat is good, while other fat, known as visceral fat, is dangerous and can be harmful to your health. Learning how much visceral fat you carry can help you understand your current status of health and wellness, as well as set you up to learn how to lose this fat in a safe, effective, and lasting way. So how can you measure body composition? There are a few ways to get the job done:

Get a DexaFit DXA Scan: One of the best options for measuring your body composition is to get a Dexa (DXA) Scan. This scan is quick, easy, and non-invasive, and returns highly accurate results. The DXA Scan treats you to a close look at your body using an FDA approved procedure of Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry. The scan is performed using two X-ray beams to scan your body from top to bottom. The scan carefully measures bone density, muscle composition, and fat composition to return a comprehensive look at how different elements of your body are distributed. Thanks to the test only taking 10-20 minutes, your body receives extremely low radiation exposure and you can return to your normal daily activities after the test is done. To learn more about this option, read here.

Try Hydrostatic Weighing: Another option is hydrostatic weighing. Hydrostatic weighing uses Archimedes Principle of Displacement to measure your total body density. It looks at both body fat and lean mass to create an accurate picture of your body’s overall composition. It returns accurate readings on how much body fat you have and how much lean muscle you carry by measuring your buoyancy. If you have an affinity for water, this might the option for you!

Learn Your Body Fat Percentage: The final measurement trick is to look to your body fat percentage to determine your overall body composition. Measuring your body fat percentage can be a little confusing at first, but when done right, it can return accurate results. There are some tools you can use to find out this measurement, such as body composition scales and handheld devices, as well as certain equations that return clear answers. Learn more here.

Why Improving Your Body Composition Matters
If you feel you have low energy, that you’re carrying more weight than you like, or that your body isn’t looking the way you want it to, improving your body composition is an important next step. Not only will you look better on the outside, but you will also feel better on the inside. When you have a healthy and balanced body composition, you can begin enjoying the following benefits:

Normal Blood Pressure

Better Sleep

Higher Level of Steady Energy and Stamina Throughout the Day

Better Glucose Tolerance

Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Decreased Aches and Pains in Joints, Back, Hips, etc

Better Fertility and Lower Risk of Pregnancy-Related Problems and Complications

Better Mood and Self-Confidence

Better Lung Function: Breathing and Respiration

So, once you know what your body composition is, how can you go about improving it? We have three ways to dramatically improve your body composition that will also improve your health, fitness, and overall sense of self.


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