Why do nosebleeds happen and how to stop them at home naturally


Nosebleeds aren’t normally an indication of anything serious. They’re normal, especially in youngsters, and most can be effectively treated at home. Nosebleeds can be caused by numerous factors but it’s not always possible to identify the exact reason why one occurs.

Nosebleeds can occur inside your nostrils, which is known as anterior nosebleeds or it can occur at the back of your nostrils which is known as posterior bleeding.

Anterior nosebleeds

The majority of them are anterior nosebleeds, which means the bleeding comes from the wall between the two nose channels (the lower septum), just inside your nose. This part of the nose, known as Little’s area, contains delicate blood vessels that can be easily damaged.

The cause of anterior nosebleeds is sometimes unknown, but they can be caused by a number of things, including:

    • Picking your nose, especially in the event that you scratch within your nose with a sharp fingernail
    • Cleaning out or blowing your nose exceptionally hard
    • A minor injury to your nose
    • A blocked or stuffy nose regularly brought about by contamination, for example, a cold or influenza
    • Sinusitis – contamination of the little, air-filled cavities inside your cheekbones and temple
  • Dry air or expansion in temperature drying out within your nose
  • High height
  • Excessive utilization of nasal decongestants
  • A slanted nose that is either present from birth (intrinsic) or the consequence of damage (a veered off septum)

Anterior nosebleeds are increasingly basic in children and are not typically an indication of anything genuine. They can regularly be dealt with effectively at home.

Posterior nosebleeds

Posterior nosebleeds can be more serious than anterior nosebleeds and medical attention may be required. This bleeding originates from the branches of arteries that supply blood to the space inside your nose between the roof of your mouth and your brain (nasal cavity). These nosebleeds are more common in adults than in children

Causes of posterior nosebleeds include:

    • A blow to your head, or a fall
    • A broken nose
    • Recent nasal surgery
    • hardened arteries (atherosclerosis)
    • Medicines that cause you to bleed more easily, including aspirin and anticoagulants such as warfarin and heparin
    • A tumor in the nasal cavity
    • a blood-clotting abnormality – such as haemophilia or von Willebrand disease
    • Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) – an inherited genetic condition that affects the blood vessels
  • leukaemia (although this is rare and you’re likely to have other symptoms as well)

High blood pressure (Hypertension) is additionally increasingly normal in individuals with nosebleeds and may make it harder to stop the bleeding; however, it’s uncertain whether this directly causes nosebleeds.

How to stop a nosebleed yourself

You should:

  • sit or stand upright (don’t lie down)
  • pinch your nose just above your nostrils for 10 to 15 minutes
  • lean forward and breathe through your mouth
  • place an icepack (or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel) at the top of your nose.


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