Heal Cracked Heels at Home


Our feet carry the burden of our daily lives from the moment we wake up until we sleep. While your feet do most of the work all day long, they are also the most neglected part when it comes to skincare. Dry cracked feet is a very common condition that affects both adults and children. Though it is not a serious condition, when the cracks get deep it does get really painful. There are several reasons why people may experience dry, cracked heels.

If you have dry skin, the skin on the feet gets even drier during winter months causing it to crack. Using harsh soaps, not moisturizing the feet during winter months worsens the problem. Certain diseases like diabetes, eczema, and psoriasis can also be the reasons for developing cracked feet.

Here are effective home remedies for cracked heels,

1.Vitamin-E Oil

Vitamin E oil is an amazing home remedy for cracked heels because it makes the heels smooth and soft very quickly. To use vitamin-E oil for cracked heels, soak your feet in warm water for 5 minutes. Now using a pumice stone, remove the dead skin from the heels gently. Finally break open a vitamin-E capsule and apply the contents directly on the heels, continue doing this treatment at least weekly once or twice for best results.

2.Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds make the perfect natural exfoliant. Daily exfoliation helps to gently get rid of dry, cracked skin.The coconut oil in the mixture moisturizes the skin and leaves it looking healthy and supple.Add two cups of warm coffee grounds to ½ cup of coconut oil and mix.Use the mixture to exfoliate your feet.Rinse it off after scrubbing.You can use the coffee grounds mix to exfoliate your feet daily.


Listerine softens dry feet and helps get rid of cracked heels very very fast. To make the foot soak, combine equal part of Listerine mouth wash and white vinegar in a wide basin. Top it up with twice the amount of warm water. To use, wash your feet well with soap, dry and immerse it in the foot soak. Immerse the feet till the water turns cold. Dry your feet with a towel and using a pumice stone gently remove the dead cells from the feet and apply moisturizer. You will find yourself with a softer and smoother feet.

4.Papaya Foot Mask

Papaya has an enzyme called Papain, and this enzyme works the same way as Alpha-Hydroxy acid. Alpha-Hydroxy acid is a popular ingredient used in the production of skincare products. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and reverses signs of aging.Crush the flesh of the papaya to make a smooth pulp.Mix the pulp with lemon juice.Apply the mixture to your cracked feet and leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes.Rinse off and towel dry.Do this 2-3 times a week.

5.Vinegar and Lemon

Vinegar is one of the best home remedies to use for cracked heels as it softens the feet really well and the best way to use it is by making a foot soak with it. To make this vinegar foot soak, take a fresh lemon and grate the outer skin with a grater. Boil 2.5 litres of water in a pan along with the grated zest and once it comes to boil, switch off. Wait for it to come to lukewarm temperature and soak your feet in it for at least 15 minutes.

6.Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera softens and hydrates the skin and is a wonderful home remedy for dry cracked heels. To use, take 1 tsp of pure Aloe Vera gel that is free of color and perfume and massage well into the feet after washing your feet with warm water. Try not to use Aloe Vera gel that contains color and synthetic perfume especially if you have deep cuts and bleeding wounds in the heels. Use Aloe Vera gel regularly to see good results…


Honey may work as a natural remedy for cracked heels. It has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can help cleanse wounds and moisturize the skin. Add a cup of honey in a bucket of warm water and soak your feet in it. Do it for about 20 minutes and scrub off gently. Do this regularly for soft feet.


Vaseline has always been recommended for treating cracked heels as it softens and heals dry cracked feet. But Vaseline is made with petroleum jelly as a base which is a petroleum by product. Using petroleum by products on our skin for long duration’s of time does more harm than good.


Glycerin is an amazing home remedy for cracked heels as it is a natural humectant. Humectants keeps our skin moist and when we apply glycerin to our feet, it keeps it super moist and prevents skin from drying which is the main cause for cracked heels. To use, take 1 tbsp of glycerin in a bowl, add in 1 tbsp of pure rose water to it and mix well. Daily after washing your feet in warm water, pat dry and massage with this rose water and glycerin mixture. Within a few days itself, cracks and dryness will vanish from the feet.

10.Olive Oil

Pure extra virgin olive oil is also an amazing home remedy for dry and cracked heels as it has wonderful moisturizing properties. It softens dry feet and helps get rid of cracked heels very very fast. To use olive oil for cracked heels, take olive oil in wide bowl. Add in either dried rose petals or lavender flowers to it and sun dry till it gets heated up. Now strain this oil and massage it in the feet daily before going to bed.

11.Banana and Avocado

Banana contains properties that help moisturizes cracked heels. Avocado contains vitamin A, E and omega fatty acids that promote wound healing and heal cracked heels.Blend half avocado and 1 ripe banana. Bring it to a thick consistency and apply the paste over your heels and feet. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water

12.Baking Soda

Baking soda softens the feet really well and it is also a natural exfoliant that removes dead skin really well that is why it is popularly used in many cracked heel treatments. To use baking soda for cracked heels, fill a large basin with warm water. Now add in 2 tbsp of baking soda to it and mix well. Finally add in a handful of fresh rose petals to it and soak your feet in it. Soaking in this mixture helps treat cracked heels really fast.

13.Turmeric and Neem Oil

Turmeric has healing properties.Neem oil is rich in anti-fungal properties, which makes it great for treating cracked heels and preventing the cracks from getting infected.Mix the neem oil and turmeric powder to form a paste.Massage the paste into the cracks and all over your feet before going to bed daily.Repeat this remedy until your cracks are healed.

14.Epsom Salt 

Epsom salt is great for treating cracked heels as it soften the feet really well. To use Epsom salt for treating cracked heels, take 1 cup of Epsom salt in a bowl. Add in 1/4 cup of baking soda and mix well. You can add in herbs and essential oil of your choice to the mixture. Here I have added a handful of dried lavender flowers. To use, take a handful of the mixture in a wide basin. Add in warm water and soak your feet in it till the water turns cold.

15.Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar softens the feet and helps get rid of cracked heels very easily. All we have to do, is mix 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 3 liters of warm water and soak our feet in it till the water turns cold. Immediately after using apple cider vinegar, you will notice that your heels are much softer and smoother than before. You can then pat dry and apply few drops of coconut oil.


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