How companies are preparing for ‘return to office’


There has been reluctance from employees to join office after a long period of remote working

Companies such as TCS, Wipro and Infosys have already expressed their wish to see their employees back in the office. In fact, one of the pulse surveys done in 2021, which covered about 250 Indian com…

Employees have realised that work can be easily managed from home and the daily commute to the office is not necessary. With this shift in the mindset of the employees, companies are finding it rather…

How companies prepared themselves for return to office Talking to some of the HR leaders in the industry, HRKatha has tried to understand how companies have prepared and planned for ‘return to work’, …

As per Menon, the major challenge was to give the same experience to employees which they used to have before the pandemic. Menon rightly points out that many of the employee services such as food and…


Clarity from the very start at MTR Foods Milan Chattaraj, chief people officer, MTR Foods, shares with HRKatha, that the company was very clear from the beginning of the pandemic that most of the work…



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