Green tea face mask for glowing skin!


While all those advertisements are about how green tea helps you lose weight, we have other ideas! Did you know that green tea could do wonders to your skin not just through consumption but also as a face mask? Yes, the anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties of green tea are beneficial to the skin in so many ways.

Benefits of green tea face mask

1.      Skin tightening

Green tea has the ability to reduce blemishes and wrinkles by tightening the skin. Pre-mature aging has been on the rise due to sedentary lifestyle and sleeplessness. Green tea mask fights cell damage and hence becomes a natural solution to dull and lifeless skin.

2.      Reduces acne

Acne is often caused by excess sebum creation or hormonal imbalance. In this case, green tea detoxes your skin by clearing away the impurities. It also reduces inflammation and redness caused by acne.

3.      Brightens complexion

Rejuvenating old and dead facial cells is one of the highlights of using green tea mask. This helps in boosting the skin tone by acting as a toner.


Top 3 green tea face masks

The market is flooded with tons of pre-made facial masks. While these are equally beneficial, there is nothing that can beat the natural goodness of home-made face masks with freshly brewed green tea. Here are 3 ideas for healthy and glowing skin.

1.      Green tea+ Honey+ Lemon zest

Mix these ingredients in a clean bowl and apply it on your face. Leave the pack for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water. You can also add lemon juice instead of the zest for its cleansing properties. The goodness of green tea combined with Vitamin C from lemon can instantly nourish your skin.

2.      Green tea+ Oatmeal

Dip your tea bag in a bowl of hot water for 3 to 4 minutes. Now remove the tea bags and let the water cool. Add it to 2 tbsps of oatmeal until it forms a paste. Apply the face mask and wash it after a good 10 to 15 mins by rubbing in circular motion.

3.      Green tea+ Yogurt

Yogurt is best known for its probiotics and is extremely healthy for the skin. Mix a tbsp of home-made yogurt with freshly-ground green tea leaves and form a fine paste. Apply it evenly on your face, neck, and ears, and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. The difference in complexion will be evident after washing it off with cold water. You can also add a pinch of turmeric to this mask for better results.

It is now clear that you can achieve the goodness of green tea not only through consumption but also by application. But, remember to use your face mask only once or twice a week as too much of anything could harm your skin.


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