Magical ways to celebrate Easter Sunday


Bunnies and baskets and chocolate, oh my!

There’s lots to love about Easter Sunday, and to make the day extra special for your under five, here are six ways to create magical moments at home.

Find evidence of the Easter Bunny
A trail of chocolate is a delicious way to start the day, but for a real treat, look for signs of the Easter Bunny himself!

Bits of crunched up carrot, bunny footprints leading in and out, and furry threads from a cotton wool ball will all spark your little one’s imagination, and if you’re very lucky, you might stumble upon a small hole dug in the garden, with a couple of eggs scattered nearby…

Make an Easter-themed breakfast
You don’t need to be a master chef to prepare a meal that lives on in the memory.

Bunny pancakes are cute whether you choose heads or tails, and bunny porridge is perfect for Easter in autumn.

If you’re a baker, Easter bunny bread rolls are worth the effort, while fruitless hot cross buns will appease your picky eater. This lemony recipe skips the sultanas and keeps the flavour.

Carrot and orange Easter juice is a bright addition to the drinks menu, and Easter smoothies are a magical blend of colour, nutrients and craft.

Start an Easter tradition
A family tradition is a wonderful way to sprinkle Easter magic year-on-year.

You might introduce the great Easter Bunny countdown by removing links from a paper chain, or grow some Easter basket grass for your child to find their eggs in (you can use ready-grown mondo grass for this Easter).

Some families decorate an Easter tree, and a photo tradition is a picture-perfect idea if your family house is your forever home. All you need to do is take a photo of your child at the front door holding their Easter basket, then repeat annually.

Stage a creative Easter egg hunt
Easter Sunday is all the merrier with an Easter egg hunt, and there are six fun, educational and chocolate-free ideas for toddlers and preschoolers here.

Connect with family
If your extended family is together for the day, an Easter bonnet parade is a magical way to get the giggles. Decorate your bonnets (or make a chicken hat from scratch), then put on some chirpy music and a parade!

If your family is separated by distance, a video call is a great way to share the magic of Easter. Your child’s grandparents could read the bunny-themed classic, Guess How Much I Love You with bunny ears on, and there are tips for optimising video calls with under fives here.

Teach your child a new trick
Easter Sunday could be the day your under five learns how to hop, skip or ride a scooter. Or maybe you’ll teach them how to marble eggs, make chocolate play dough or assemble a pop-up bunny card?

Whatever you do, we wish you a magical Easter that’s full of fun with your little one.



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