6 Effective Yoga Exercises To Gain Weight


Add a healthy amount of mass to your body with highly impactful yoga postures.

Yoga is such an excellent workout that it may help with practically any health issue. In this article, we have listed some effective ways to help you use yoga for weight gain. While most people across the globe are obsessed with reducing weight, a select few may struggle with increasing weight. They may binge eat and lounge around like couch potatoes, but they never seem to gain weight. People who are underweight face similar risks as those who are obese. Yoga is a powerful mindfulness tool for relaxation, balance, flexibility, and alignment of mind, body, and spirit. It can help in many ways, including losing excess fat and gaining healthy weight.

What Happens When You Are Underweight?
Before we get to what happens when you are underweight, it is important to understand if you qualify as underweight. If your BMI is under 18.5, you are considered to be underweight.

A collaborative report published by the CDC and NHANES provides deep insight into the prevalence of underweight among adults aged 20 and over in the US. According to the data, in 2015-16, 1.5% of 5,337 individuals were considered underweight, and in the year 2017-2018, 1.6% of 5,120 individuals were underweight.

While some people might be underweight genetically, others are probably under the mark because they don’t get the required nutrients to remain in the pink of health. These nutrients are not reaching where they should because of lack of consumption or improper absorption. Your immune system takes a hit. You will find it difficult to fight infections and illness. It will be particularly hard for you to heal after surgery or trauma if you do not get enough nutrition needed to rebuild or repair the tissues. You will also be more prone to flu and pneumonia.

Being extremely slender could also affect your periods. They will become irregular, or completely stop. This means that there is an erratic production of hormones and lesser estrogen to help support healthy bone mass

If your diet doesn’t give you enough calories, your renali , cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrinei , and central nervous systems may bear the brunt of it. A boost of nutrients will not only nourish these important systems in your body but also improve the quality of your skin and hair, which will suffer otherwise

When you are underweight, you will tend to feel lethargic and fatigued. You might not be able to take even a simple stroll in the garden. You will have lower stamina, and you may also notice your self-esteem suffer.
Gaining weight the right way will make you look and feel more energetic.

How Does Yoga Help You Gain Weight?
Yoga addresses problems like poor metabolism, stress, lack of appetite, and digestive issues. While it helps overcome these problems, it also stabilizes weight and ensures you hit the right weight goals. Yoga enhances the circulation of oxygen and blood, and this helps improve the nutrient absorption. It strengthens the muscles and allows you to become strong and flexible. It also improves your stamina.

It is essential to note that yoga works mainly towards regulating your metabolism. Therefore, you must not abandon these asanas if you are trying to lose weight. They work for both. You must make sure you undertake yoga for weight gain under the guidance of a qualified trainer. Also, you must support these exercises with a nutrient-dense diet.

Yoga For Weight Gain

1. Bhujangasana (Variation)
Benefits – The Bhujangasana works on the posterior as well as the anterior part of the digestive system, thereby improving appetite, regulating metabolism, and also removing blockages. The reproductive system is also stimulated. When you stretch and open up your heart, your breathing improves. There are better blood circulation and nutrient absorption
How To Do It – Lie flat on your stomach, with your legs stretched out, and the feet facing down. Place your elbows by your side. Then, lift your chest, placing the body weight not only on the elbows, but on the entire forearms. Inhale deeply, and exhale strongly

2. Vajrasana
Benefits – This asana is the only asana that can be practiced immediately after a meal. It works on the digestive system and helps to keep the metabolism in check. This asana calms the mind and operates on every area that needs attention.
How To Do It – Place your thighs on your calf muscles as you sit flat on the floor. Focus and breathe. It will be prudent to place a yoga mat or yoga blankets under the shins so that one can spend few minutes in this posture without much discomfort.

3. Pavanamuktasana
Benefits – This asana also works on the digestive system, thereby stimulating and regulating it. It calms the overactive metabolism and creates an amicable ambiance for better absorption of nutrients in the body.
How To Do It – Lie flat on the floor with your back on the ground. Fold your knees and hug them. Lift your head off the floor, and bring your nose in between your knees. Hold the pose for a few seconds as you breathe deeply, and then release.

4. Matsyasana
Benefits – The Matsyasana is a highly beneficial pose in yoga to gain weight. It works on many systems collectively, including the thyroid gland. It regulates an overactive thyroid gland that can also cause weight reduction. It strengthens the digestive, circulatory, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems. The metabolism and nutrient absorption improve, and all the weight loss issues (due to thyroid issues) are addressed and cured over time.

How To Do It – Lie on your back, and then cross your legs in the Padmasana. Gently curve your back such that your head rests on your crown. Feel the curve in the upper back and neck. Hold for a few seconds and release.

5. Sarvangasana
Benefits – A shoulder stand first and foremost works on improving the circulation of blood and oxygen. This asana is an inversion, and therefore, a new lot of blood reaches the inaccessible areas, which gives them a boost of nutrients. All the energy blocks are cleared, and the body is strengthened.






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