4 foods that affect masculinity


It is now safe to say that processed foods are dangerous. While processed foods have been reported to cause death at an early age, as well as various diseases and disorders, a recent study has found that they also cause impotence. High-fat, processed foods have been shown to affect sperm production in men.

The study, conducted on behalf of Harvard University, looked at more than 3,000 people between the ages of 18 and 20, and found that vegetarians who ate more vegetables and fruits had higher sperm counts than those who ate chicken and fish and processed foods.

The study report is being presented by Vienna at this week’s European Conference on Human Reproduction. It has also been reported that the diet we eat plays an important role in increasing the number of sperm cells.

4 foods to avoid:

Processed meat:
According to a Harvard study, sperm counts are declining due to the use of processed meats, which are widely used in Western countries.

Carbonated Drinks:
Research shows that drinking too much carbonated beverages can affect the ability of sperm to function.

Cheese and high-fat dairy products:
Studies have shown that high intake of cheese and high-fat dairy products can reduce sperm count. Although dairy products contain some of the essential nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D, research has shown that they can affect sperm cells.

Soy Foods:
A study in Boston found that 99 percent of those who consumed soy products were affected by sperm count.


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