Saturday, April 27, 2024
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Shape-up is not a diet drink or meal replacement, let alone an appetite-suppressant and is also not a diet and fitness program. ShapeUP is natural collagen protein that helps you to quickly get back in shape. It doesn’t work entirely without training, but ShapeUP provides effective support. Simply eat as you usually would. Muscles define the body, fat knocks it out of shape. Muscles burn energy, fat does not. In fact, muscles are the largest energy consumers in our body.But if they are not used enough, the body simply gets rid of them. Without exercise, muscles cannot be built up. But with ShapeUP you now have the perfect personal trainer at your side: The healthy and natural collagen peptides support the training, enabling you to reach your ideal physique more quickly.You’ll feel the effects after six to twelve weeks: You build up your muscles and at the same time reduce the stored fat.

Should You Be in a Calorie Deficit for Life?

Eating in a calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss. That much is clear. But just how long, exactly, should you do it for?...

Healthy diet and weight loss tips straight from a dietary pro

Struggling to shed weight and keep it off? We asked a registered dietitian, Nicole Hopsecger, RD, LD, for the top weight loss tips she...

Eating Habits That Drastically Change Your Weight Loss Efforts, Say Dietitians

These habits are definitely game-changers! When it comes to weight loss, you want to focus on maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle, not just drastically...

When is the time right for body contouring after major weight loss?

Achieving a major weight loss goal is a huge success by itself and certainly a milestone to celebrate. Yet, even after having achieved their...

On a Diet? Here’s When You’ll Start Noticing Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, consistency is key, even when you feel like progress is slow. While just a week of eating in...

What Is Pilates Workout?

Named after its creator, Joseph Pilates, Pilates is an exercise system that targets the deep postural muscles of the abdomen and spine to improve...

What Is Body Sculpting Workout?

Body sculpting workouts help to improve the appearance of your physique by working on a specific muscle group that you would like to change....

Weight loss: 6 strategies for success

Follow these proven strategies to reduce your weight and boost your health. Hundreds of fad diets, weight-loss programs and outright scams promise quick and easy...

Foods You Should Avoid When You Are Trying to Lose Weight

Here’s a simple truth – it is hard to lose weight. People who are on a weight loss diet, we know your struggle is...


You work hard at the gym, eat well, and live a healthy lifestyle. No matter how hard you work and how many crunches you...

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