Lifestyle Changes to Control Hair Fall


The positive changes you make in your day-to-day activities might show great changes in your hair growth and can control hair fall.

1. Yoga and Meditation to Control Hair Fall

Stress can cause hair loss but if one meditates every day, it will surely reduce hair fall. Doing Sirsasana which is headstand directs an oxygen-rich flow of blood to your head not only to your brain it also sends it to your scalp. Regular practice of Sirsasana will help control hair fall.

2. Complex Hair Styles Affect Hair

Wearing tight topknots, ponytail and braids will cause Traction alopecia, which is hair loss caused due to pulling of hair into a tight hairstyle. Using a lot of heat treatments usually leaves you with drier, more brittle hair which would cause hair fall.

3.  Proper Shower Will Reduce Hair Fall

It’s important to know your scalp type so that you can buy products and wash your hair depending on your type. Using ayurvedic hair products might reduce the risk of hair fall. Use mild shampoo and conditioner regularly to avoid weighing the hair down. Do not apply conditioners to your scalp but to the ends of hair.

4. Hair Brushing Helps Deal with Hair Loss

Use essential oils to massage and comb your hair daily.  You can also rub green tea into your hair. Never brush your wet hair and also avoid constant brushing. Moisturize your hair before brushing and use wide-toothed combs to avoid tangles.

5. Perfect Diet to Control Hair Fall

Regular intake of eggs and dairy products will promote hair growth. Try consuming foods that are rich in nutrients such as proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc, Omega 6 fatty acids, sulphur, phosphorous, and selenium. Always stay hydrated.

By following these simple changes every day, you can easily control hair fall and rejuvenate the hair.


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