It's a virus that damages the immune system.


The virus that causes AIDS is known as Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Caused by one of two viruses: HIV-1 or HIV-2. HIV is a virus that damages the immune system. The immune system helps the body fight off infections.

However, there are drugs that help control the virus, enabling people with symptoms of HIV to live full and healthy lives.


AIDS; a person must have contracted HIV. But having HIV doesn’t necessarily mean that someone will develop AIDS. HIV progress through three stages:

Stage 1: acute stage, the first few weeks after transmission                                              Stage 2: clinical latency or chronic stage                                                                    Stage 3: AIDS

Facts of HIV transmission

The virus is transmitted in bodily fluids that include:Aids

  • Blood
  • Semen
  • Vaginal and rectal fluids
  • Breast milk

Other Ways HIV is spread from person to person include

  • Through vaginal or anal sex
  • By sharing needles, syringes and other items for injection drug use
  • By sharing tattoo equipment without sterilizing it between uses
  • From a woman to her baby
  • During breastfeeding
  • Through “pre-mastication,” or chewing a baby’s food before feeding it to them
  • Through exposure to the blood of someone living with HIV, such as through a needle stick

HIV does NOT spread through

Skin-to-skin contact                                                                                            Hugging, shaking hands or kissing                                                                                Air or water                                                                                                              Sharing food or drinks, including drinking fountains                                                  Saliva, tears or sweat (unless mixed with the blood of a person with HIV)                Sharing a toilet, towels or bedding                                                                      Mosquitoes or other insects bites

Causes of HIVAids

HIV is a variation of a virus that infects African chimpanzees. Suspect the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) jumped from chimps to humans when people consumed infected chimpanzee meat. This the virus mutated into what we now know as HIV.

Diagnose HIV

Antibody/ Antigen Tests

However the most commonly used test how positive results typically within 18–45 days.

Antibody Tests

Tests check the blood for antibodies using blood tests or mouth swabs and there’s no preparation necessary. It takes between 23 and 90 days after transmission for most people to develop detectable HIV antibodies.

Nucleic Acid Test (NAT)

An expensive test isn’t used for general screening. This test looks for the virus itself and can take from 8 to 21 days for HIV to be detectable.

Early Signs and Symptoms                                                                                   Fever                                                                                                                    Chills                                                                                                                  Swollen lymph nodes                                                                                            General aches and pains                                                                                            Skin rash                                                                                                                  Sore throat                                                                                                      Headache                                                                                                            Nausea                                                                                                                  Upset stomach

Treatment of HIV

The main treatment for HIV is anti-retroviral therapy, a combination of daily medications that stop the virus from reproducing. This helps cells keeping the immune system strong enough to fight off disease.

Side Effects of Treatments

Side effects are often temporary; nausea, headache and dizziness.

Serious side effects can include swelling of the mouth and tongue and liver or kidney damage. If side effects are severe the medications can be adjusted.

So far their is not cure for AIDS and HIV but research is still going on.

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