Ways To Stay Fit On Vacation


Unless you specifically plan a trip based on your health and wellbeing it can be difficult to stay fit when you travel, even for the most health-conscious among us. It’s understandable, staying in shape while on vacation may seem like an impossible task. But make sure that you don’t get yourself down; staying in shape is actually a lot easier than it may appear.

A)Walk Everywhere You Can

Don’t forget to pack your walking shoes, because the best way to see a new place is on foot! Instead of watching the sites pass by through a taxi or bus window, get amongst it and stay healthy when you travel by walking wherever you can. Some destinations might require you to take transportation, but wherever you can, walk it. In many European cities like Rome, Paris, or London, the sites are closer than you think!

If you’re enjoying a beach vacation then take a walk alongside the ocean every morning, or look for a local hike away from the beach to add something different to your trip.

B)Don’t Skimp on the Sleep, and Relax

Our bodies need rest and relaxation, especially when we’re crossing time zones, physically traveling a lot and carrying luggage wherever we go. Make sure you use some of your hard earned vacation time for sleeping!

Find ways to de-stress, like reading a book, listening to music or meditating in the morning before you start your day.

C)Rent a Bicycle

Renting a bicycle is a great option for staying healthy on the road, especially if the distances between sites are a little further. Many cities now have public bicycles for use, or try asking your accommodation where you might hire a bike.

Cycling is a fun way to explore a city, especially if it’s how the locals do it too. Just make sure you brush up on the road rules for wherever you are first!

D)Stay Hydrated

Water helps maintain the balance of body fluids, it can help control calories, energize muscles, keep your skin looking good, and maintain normal bowel function. So, if you want to feel good on vacation, make sure you are staying hydrated!

E)Try a Workout App

Not sure what workout to do when you’re in your grandma’s basement or have more limited gym time than usual? Don’t let the uncertainty get in your way.

There are a lot of great exercise apps and online workout programs that can give you expert workout programming at your fingertips. Many platforms offer plenty of equipment-free workouts, too, so you can squeeze in a good workout anytime, anywhere, without having to think too much.

F)Plan Your Workouts

It’s alright, we all do it, eat a little more than we normally would on vacation. Try planning your workouts ahead of time. This way, there is no excuse, you have a schedule and you must stick to it!  Doing so will help you burn those extra calories and maintain your weight.

G)Track Your Vacation Activities

If you find it hard to keep your fitness routine going while you’re on vacation then make a conscious effort to track your progress. It’s easy to let a couple of days without exercise slip by and before you know it, a week has passed! At the end of each day make a note of all the physical activities you’ve done, even if it’s just walking down to the pool and taking a dip! It’ll help to motivate you to make an effort and decide your activities for the next day.

H)Prepare Your Meals

Long car or plane ride? Prepare your meals before you head out. Preparing your meals in advance is also a great way to ensure you don’t overeat or eat any junk food. So, give yourself the nutrients your body needs, select your foods wisely and pack them as separate meals.

I)Plan Active Adventures

Vacations aren’t all lying on the beach, so between sun sessions fit in some adventure activities! Staying healthy on holiday doesn’t have to be boring, it can be adventurous too. Take a surf lesson or look up a local hike. Swim in the ocean every day and improve your fitness battling the waves.

J)Wear a Pedometer

Use a pedometer to track your daily physical activity. Pedometers count the number of steps you take each day. Use this device while on vacation for some extra motivation.  It will encourage you to get in just a few more steps each day.

K)Make Movement a Tradition

Time spent with family over the holidays often involves lots of eats and treats-and maybe less movement than usual. Get the whole family in on some exercise (whether formal or informal) by creating new family traditions that involve moving your body.

If you don’t have a little one (or a dog) to get you out and walking, you can get the whole crew moving by signing up for a charity walk or turkey trot-or spending an afternoon volunteering together.


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