Hibiscus has great anti-aging benefits because it maintains elastin in the skin by decreasing the activity of elastase, an enzyme that breaks down our skin’s natural elastin. Hibiscus flower contains the antioxidants Vitamin C, Myricetin-3-O-glucoside, Anthocyanin and Beta-carotene.
The antioxidants help neutralise oxidative stress and thus, prevents DNA damage which leads to signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles.
How To Make Hibiscus Flower Powder?
- Take a bunch of Hibiscus Flower and remove the petals.
- Lay them on a tray and place it under direct sunlight until it becomes crisp.
- Transfer it to a blender and blend it to a powder.
- Sift it to remove the fibre and get extra fine powder.
- Hibiscus Flower Powder is ready to use.
Hibiscus Face Pack:
The below recipe is a daily use hibiscus Face mask.
Sensitive skin should avoid using lemon juice as it may irritate your skin.
This face pack works to brighten your skin, fade not only the scars on your skin but also reduces the appearance of fine lines and gives you an even toned glowing skin.
- Hibiscus powder – 2 Teaspoon
- Aloe Vera gel or Yogurt – 1 Tablespoon
- Lemon juice – 1 Teaspoon
Hibiscus helps cleanse, exfoliate and provides anti-ageing benefits to the skin.
Aloe Vera is Soothing, anti inflammatory and moisturizing which helps heal various skin problems and alleviate their symptoms.
Curd contains lactic acid which exfoliates dead skin cells gently while also adding moisture to the skin.
Lemon juice is best suited for oily skin and acne prone skin. It does help lighten acne scars and dark spots.
This is a daily use Face Pack which certainly helps to rejuvenate dull skin and keep the signs of ageing at bay.
Hibiscus face pack is perfect for all skin types and is a great addition to antiageing skin care.
How To Use?
Mix two teaspoons of hibiscus power with one teaspoon of aloe Vera gel and yogurt. Add a few drops of lemon juice if your skin can tolerate it.
Combine everything together and form a paste.
Apply on your face and neck and leave it on for about 30 minutes for best results.
Use everyday for at least 28 days to revitalize your skin and lighten marks and dark spots.