Symptoms of Diabetes


Diabetes is a metabolic disease brought on by elevated blood sugar levels. The hormone insulin transports sugar from the blood into cells which have to be stored or can be utilized for energy. If you have diabetes, your body doesn’t allow producing insulin and no longer uses it efficiently. In that situation, what will happen? The blood sugar level increases and you may face certain consequences and symptoms.

Glucose is very important for being healthy. It has sources of energy for the cells to manage the tissues and muscles. It also energizes your brain.

People with Diabetes Type 1

It prevents your body from producing insulin. It targets your immune system and kills the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

People with Diabetes Type 2

In this condition, the body doesn’t produce insulin or cannot use it properly.

Symptoms of diabetes and risk factors

The Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

These are signs and symptoms of diabetes Type 1 and type 2 as below.

  1. Frequent Urination

The kidney filters the extra sugar from the blood, eliminating it. This leads the person to urinate more than usual, especially at night.

  1. Feeling Thirsty

People with diabetes urinate a lot more. As a result, you get thirsty and end up drinking more water. It causes dehydration too.

  1. Feeling Hungry Frequently

Diabetic patients hardly get sufficient energy from the food because glucose moves from the bloodstream which is not enough for fuel that can be used as energy.You consequently never stop being hungry even after eating just a short while ago.

  1. Slow-Healing Wounds

The extreme level of sugar in the blood may impair the body’s blood vessels and nerves. It reduces blood circulation.Consequently, even minor cuts will take longer to heal.You may face consequences such as infection.

  1. Blurry Eyesight

People with diabetes may suffer from blurry vision because excess glucose level destroys the tiny blood vessels in the eyes.

  1. Itching and Yeast Infections

A diabetic patient may have yeast infections on an area like mouth, armpits and genital areas because of high glucose level and urine gives food for yeast that leads to infections.

  1. Sudden Weight Loss

People with diabetes may undergo sudden weight loss which seems good but not. If your sugar level is high then you end up urinating frequently which leads to dehydration which causes unintentional weight loss.

You must be aware of these early symptoms of diabetes before it becomes severe. You must consult a physician to reduce the complications.


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