Physician Approved Tips to Help Your Child Avoid Catching the Flu


When flu season hits, no parent wants to deal with a miserable, sick child at home for weeks. According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, on average, every year, 20 thousand children under the age of five are hospitalized due to flu complications. By being proactive, though, you can take decisive steps to decrease the chances your kids come down with influenza. A local kids’ physician will advise putting these preventive measures into action early as the easiest way to sail through flu season with health on your side.

1. Prioritize Good Hand Hygiene Habits
Teaching effective handwashing drastically cuts down on germs, especially with kids constantly touching dirty surfaces, then their eyes, nose, and mouth, allowing virus transmission. Have your children wash with soap and scrub for at least 20 seconds before eating and after playtime. Set visual timers to make it a fun routine. Hand sanitizer also helps augment washing when water isn’t available.

2. Stick to a Healthy Lifestyle
Nutrition and ample sleep keep immune systems resilient to fight off micro-invaders. Avoid excess sugar indoors to deprive germs of an environment promoting growth. Ensure your child maintains balanced meals, proper hydration, and consistent bedtimes rather than erratic shifts weakening the body’s defenses. Healthiness from the inside out becomes their best protection.

3. Keep up on Vaccinations
Annual flu shots remain the most crucial proactive step advised by any reputable kids’ physician. Don’t neglect checkups, making sure other childhood immunizations haven’t lapsed either, allowing viruses to take hold. Set calendar reminders so your child receives injectable or nasal spray flu vaccines by late September/early October before the worst exposure period. Updated shots form a powerful shield against sickness.

4. Limit Indirect Contact When Possible
While it is impossible to isolate kids completely, prudent measures reduce touchpoints with germs when flu activity spikes locally. Hand sanitizer usage upon returning home from school helps minimize transfer risk. Be selective about indoor playdates if friends show sniffles. Keep face touching minimal. Added awareness of potential indirect contact through others can make all the difference.

Leveraging these pediatrician-recommended pointers sets up a resilient line of defense to block influenza in its tracks and avoid misery. Don’t leave preparedness until it’s too late — be proactive together as a family before the flu takes hold locally. If your child needs vaccinations or is feeling ill, schedule an appointment with a kids’ physician.


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