What is Keto diet – What to eat and what to avoid?

Healthy Life Style Trends

A ketogenic diet includes the intake of very low-carb food items which completely promotes weight loss. Millions of people have already tried keto-diet and remained successful in shedding an extra pound of calorie from the body. In keto diet body produce small molecules named “ketones” and they are produced only if you eat very few carbs. The ketones are produced in the liver which is then used as a fuel throughout the body. If you are on a ketogenic diet, your entire body will run almost on the fat stored in your body parts. If you are seriously trying to reduce weight, focus on keto diet.

Who shouldn’t focus on keto diet?
A keto diet is strictly not advisable for those:
• Diabetic patients who takes insulin
• People who have high blood pressure
• Breastfeeding mom
Food to enjoy on keto diet

For you to remain on a ketogenic diet, you must eat these food items:
• Fish and seafood
• Natural Fats
• Meat
• Egg
• Vegetables that grow above ground like spinach, cucumber, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, tomato, green beans, olives, and eggplant.
• Fruits like berries, orange, peach, lemon, apple, mango, pineapple, pear, and kiwi.

In order to follow the diet strictly, make sure you avoid eating too many carbs. You can keep your carb intake under 50 gram per day.

What food to avoid
When you are on keto there is certainly food you must avoid eating. They include:
• Food containing sugar and starch
• Cooked rice
• Donut
• Candy
• Chocolate
• Potato
• Bread
• Pasta
• Beer
In short, you must avoid eating sugary and starchy foods completely. You must drink plenty of water daily and there is nothing wrong having tea and coffee but make sure you don’t add sweeteners to it.

Note that the calorie count for brown sugar and honey remains the same. You can use zero-calorie sweeteners for your drink. You must avoid eating banana, grapes and cashew nuts.

There are keto bread, keto pizzas and even keto pancakes accessible to shop from café’s you can have it carefree.


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