Best Home Remedies for Diabetes


Diabetes is directly impacted by stress, an inactive lifestyle, and a lack of exercise, all of which impair your body’s general metabolism. Diabetes is mostly a lifestyle-borne illness characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels compared to normal when fasting. Diabetes may also be influenced by genetic factors. Given that it is regarded as a chronic condition, taking medicine is necessary to maintain appropriate blood glucose (sugar) levels. That being said, there are a few diabetes home treatments that work well for controlling blood sugar levels.

“There are four pillars of diabetes management: medicines, monitoring, diet, and physical activity,” says BeatO’s Diabetes Educator Madhuparna Pramanick. Never forget that good health starts on the inside and extends to the exterior! To boost body metabolism, do SMBG every day and eat methi dana, karela, and cinnamon on an empty stomach.
You can find efficient at-home treatments for diabetes on this site.

The two key adjustments you can make to manage your diabetes at home are listed below.

(i) By following a balanced diet
(ii) Exercising regularly
Balanced DietOne of the most effective home remedies for diabetes is to have a balanced diet.

This is a long list of foods that you should think about including into your diabetes diet.


Karela is extremely beneficial and great for diabetics. The plant is high in insulin-polypeptide-P, which gives it the power to bring down your blood sugar levels.

Furthermore, bitter gourd, commonly referred to as karela, is a rich source of charatin and momordicin, two potent compounds with anti-diabetic qualities.


In addition to being a common ingredient in Indian cuisine, fenugreek is well-known for its many health advantages. Nutrient-rich fenugreek enhances glucose tolerance and helps manage diabetes.

Use by soaking two tablespoons of the seeds in water for the entire night. Drink the water along with the seeds on an empty stomach in the morning.Alternatively, one can consume fenugreek seed powder with milk or even hot/cold water.


Fresh mango leaves are highly beneficial for diabetics. Mango leaves can treat renal and gallstones and decrease blood pressure, among other health advantages.
But the main reason it’s on our list is that eating mango leaves lowers blood sugar levels, which is why we included it.

How to use:

Mango leaves can be sun-dried and then ground into a powder. Consume this powder with water twice a day for better results.Try boiling the mango leaves in water and drinking that water in the morning on an empty stomach.


Amla is well known for controlling blood sugar levels and is high in vitamin C. It can support your pancreas’ optimal function in regulating your blood sugar levels.

How to use:

To make a fine paste, remove the seeds and grind 2-3 amlas.Add 2 tablespoons of Amla paste with water to drink every morning.Mix bitter gourd and amla juice to get double benefits. You can take it every morning.Tip: Even eating raw amla daily can help you in reducing your sugar levels


Drumsticks are rich in nutrients that can maintain your blood sugar levels. It offers a nutrient punch of vitamins including A, C, K, B, along with minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium. Additionally, drumstick leaves are a fantastic source of protein and fiber.

How to use:Add drumstick leaves to a meal in the form of a sabzi or curry.You can also add drumstick leaves to a salad or steam it like spinach.


One of the best sources of vitamin D is sunlight. Researchers have found that vitamin D is necessary for the synthesis of insulin.
Spending at least thirty minutes a day in the sun is excellent. Your vitamin D insufficiency will be avoided as a result.Orange juice, cheese, yogurt, and cereals are acceptable. They are rich in Vitamin D.


Diabetes increases the risk of dehydration. To reduce excess glucose, our kidneys try to pass out the excess sugar through urine. That implies, nevertheless, that it also needs water.

Make sure you get at least 2.5 to 3 liters of water each day.Regular Exercise Helps Manage Diabetes Exercise Along with a balanced diet, one should also take time to exercise. Practicing the asanas listed below will help you manage your diabetes.


It relieves tension and helps to calm the brain.

–Ardha Matsyendrasana

This pose makes your spine more flexible.


Vakrasana helps in improving digestion and regulates the secretion of digestive juices.They also aid in the reduction of abdominal fat.


Mayurasana supports the spleen, liver, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, and liver in strengthening their respective organs. It is also very beneficial for the circulation of blood in the abdomen.


Bhujangasana is an excellent way to tone the body and relieve weariness and stress.

Monitoring Sugar Levels at HomeApart from a proper diet and exercise, one of the most important parts of diabetes management is monitoring sugar levels at home as one of the good ways.

Here are some pointers to remember:Maintain constant possession of your testing kit, which comprises the meter and additional materials, at all times.

Maintain a daily record of the readings, and talk to your teacher about any changes.Keep a schedule for how frequently you wish to check your blood sugar.Never use the same testing strips or lancet twice.

This may make infection more likely.Instead of firmly squeezing your fingertip during the test, lower your arm and allow blood to pool at the tip.If you are taking both ayurvedic medicines for diabetes, speak with your diabetes educator.When someone is diagnosed with diabetes, it’s critical to concentrate on strategies to enhance insulin secretion and pancreatic working mechanisms in order to slow the disease’s progression. The successful natural treatments for diabetes discussed above will assist you in achieving the same.


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