7 Reasons Why Pizza Is Good For You


For many years, people have thought of pizza as nothing more than a delicious meal that is really junk food. We’re here to tell you that this just simply isn’t true! When you enjoy a homemade pizza at Steel City Pizza in North Charleston, you will get a pizza that is made with some of the freshest and healthiest ingredients available. Continue reading today’s post to learn seven reasons why pizza is actually good for you and stop by on your lunch break in North Charleston.

1. The average slice of pizza contains 12 grams of protein.

Protein is an essential component of good health. Protein is what helps you to gain muscle, and make hair, blood, connective tissue, antibodies, enzymes, and more. Without enough protein in your diet, you’d start getting sick quite often. While everyone’s daily requirement for protein differs based on their body type and activity levels, it’s important to make sure that you are getting enough. One delicious way to do this is through pizza! The average slice contains 12 grams, which is a great way to get the protein you need while enjoying a delicious meal.

2. Pizza can help you absorb the antioxidant Lycopene.

Lycopene is found in tomatoes, which are used to make the base sauce for pizzas. Lycopene helps to lower blood pressure and bring down high cholesterol. It’s also more easily absorbed from cooked tomatoes as opposed to fresh tomatoes. The next time you’re trying to think of a healthy meal to get for dinner, think pizza!

3. Fresh veggies are one of the healthiest toppings!

You probably heard your parents tell you many times to eat your veggies. In fact, you may have even had one of the infamous dinner-table showdowns where you had to stay at the table until you cleaned your plate. We hope that you childhood experiences with vegetables didn’t ruin them for you. Vegetables are still a great part of a healthy diet, which is why at Steel City Pizza in North Charleston, we are proud to offer a wide selection of fresh veggies to use for your pizza toppings.

4. Thin-crust pizza offers a better-balanced meal.

We’re not going to lie, deep dish pizza is pretty great, but if you’re looking for healthier options, then try ordering your pizza with a thin crust. Not only does it contain fewer calories than a traditional pizza crust, but you’ll have a much better balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. You’ve already seen a number of reasons that show why pizza is good for you, so why not make it even better with a thin crust? Besides, if the thinner crust makes you want to eat more, we won’t tell!

5. Pizza is a better breakfast option than some cereals.

It’s okay to admit this around us — you have not only tried pizza for breakfast, you loved it! As fellow pizza connoisseurs, we can’t imagine why more people don’t try pizza for breakfast! Whether it’s piping hot from the oven or fresh out of the refrigerator, pizza is a wonderful meal to have first thing in the morning. In fact, the next time someone tries to make you feel guilty about your breakfast choice, just remind them that your pizza is healthier than a number of breakfast cereals!

6. Pizza crust made from whole wheat adds fiber to your meal.

If you’ve been considering ordering your next pizza on a whole wheat crust, but haven’t tried it yet, then let us provide you with some facts to convince you that it’s worth it. Whole wheat dough contains fewer carbs than white dough and it also has a higher fiber content. The higher fiber content means that you’ll feel full more quickly, which means that you’ll eat less. The good news is that our pizzas are great to take home with you and finish for your next meal — maybe breakfast.

7. Keep your diet on track with an occasional pizza.

This last reason may sound a bit contradictory, but we plan to show you how this actually works. Whether you are on a short-term diet or a long-term life change with your meals, you want to make sure that you schedule cheat days for yourself. No one is perfect, and if you try to eat the right things all the time every day, there will come a point when you just want to eat the things you shouldn’t.

Depending on how long you ignored your cravings, you might just overdo your cheat meal. Make a plan to enjoy your favorite pizza every now and then so that you can stay consistent with your meal choices the rest of the time. You won’t have to deal with feelings of guilt since you read our post and know that pizza is actually good for you!


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