‘Say Cheese’ to the Health Benefits of this Dairy Product


It  might  sound  cheesy, but  there’s  a  reason cheese  has  been  talked  about   as   a “superfood.” It can be super for your health. Cheese is nutritious food made mostly from the milk of cows but also other mammals, including sheep, goats, buffalo, reindeer, camels and yaks. The word cheese comes from Latin caseus, from which the modern word casein is also derived.

Cheese contain many nutrients, including vitamins such as vitamin C, B-6, B-12, A, D, E and vitamin K. Other vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin are also found in different types of cheese.

The high-quality protein in cheese offers the body with essential building blocks for strong muscles. Listed below are few of the health benefits of Cheese:

A)Enhances Dental Health

Cheese has been proven to enhance dental health as calcium plays an important role in tooth formation. You still have to brush your teeth. But eating a slice or two of cheese can help keep your pearly whites from rotting.

B)Boosts Immunity

Some types of cheese are known to boost the functioning of the immune system. Both vitamin B12 and vitamin A play a key role in maintaining your immune system. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can cause immune system issues and vitamin A is crucial for a wide range of immune responses.

C)Promotes Weight Gain

Cheese is an excellent food for gaining weight. It is full of proteins, fats, calcium, vitamins, and minerals. You need protein for muscle formation and growth, fats for fat-based processes in the body, calcium for heavier and stronger bones and vitamins and minerals for improved metabolic function. You just need to eat a lot of them, do your exercise and sleep an adequate amount.

D)Reduces Blood Pressure

Even though it can sometimes be rich in fat and sodium, statistics have shown that cheese-lovers still tend to have low blood pressure. Once again, this is down to the wonder-nutrient that is calcium, which helps improve how our blood vessels perform. Lower blood pressure can help reduce the strain on your arteries, prevent strokes, and give you a very happy heart.

E)Keeps Blood Cells Healthy

Cheese is rich in flavor and in vitamin B12, a relatively rare nutrient for the average American diet. This micronutrient is crucial for the body’s nerve and blood cell health. If you want to stave off anemia and other blood-related conditions, nibble on some cheese.

F)Improves Bone Health

Apart from having very high calcium content, cheese is also rich in vitamin-B, which is very good for children, women (particularly when pregnant or lactating) and elderly people, for the formation and strengthening of bones and cartilage. The vitamin-B in cheese aids to the proper absorption and distribution of calcium.

G)Boosts Healthy Gut Bacteria

We’ve all heard of probiotics the “good bacteria” that help maintain balance in your gut.A healthy gut aids digestion can help you maintain your weight, and prevent intestinal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.


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