10 Hormones Responsible For Weight Gain In Women


Nobody can claim that a diet or exercise regimen alone is to blame for weight gain. In actuality, your hormones are frequently partially to blame for weight gain.
Did you know that an imbalance in your hormones can make it more difficult to lose stubborn fat? Therefore, it’s a really good idea to first balance all of your hormones.

Which hormones?
To make sure you can reach your healthiest weight ever, you should regulate these hormones.

1. Thyroid
T3, T4, and calcitonin are the three hormones that the thyroid gland produces.
Togther, they regulate metabolism, sleep, heart rate, growth and brain development, among other functions.
Together, they control various bodily processes like growth, metabolism, sleep, heart rhythm, and brain development.
However, hypothyroidism can result when the thyroid doesn’t generate these hormones in the proper amounts.
Hypothyroid is associated with constipation, fatigue, depression, slow heart rate, and other symptoms. However, it is also related to weight gain, as your metabolism slows down due to the hormone deficit.

2. Leptin
When your body is 100% healthy, leptin signals that you are full and should stop eating.
But when we overeat foods that are high in sugar or processed foods, the oversupply of fructose is converted into fat, and it gets deposited in the liver, belly and other areas of the body.
This is problematic because fat cells have the ability to secrete leptin, which makes the body less sensitive to it and tricks the brain into thinking that it’s time to quit eating. Heavy weight gain can result from this vicious cycle.

3. Insulin
Insulin is secreted by the pancreas, which helps carry glucose into your body’s cells so it can be used as energy or stored as energy reserves for later within your fat cells.
Over-consuming processed foods and fruit, alcohol, artificial sweeteners and snacking on unhealthy foods can lead to insulin resistance, where your cells block insulin, leaving glucose to circulate in your bloodstream until further notice.

Eventually, that results in Type 2 diabetes and weight increase.
4. Estrogen
Excessive or insufficient levels of estrogen can lead to weight gain.
Excessive estrogen can aggravate the cells in your body that make insulin, causing you to become insulin resistance and your blood sugar to rise, which can result in weight gain.
A particularly tenacious kind of weight gain can also be brought on by low estrogen levels. That frequently occurs in the later stages of menopause that women experience.

The ovarian cells no longer produce estrogen, so the body starts looking for estrogen elsewhere. One source is fat cells

What then does the body do to restore equilibrium?
It starts converting all extra energy sources into fat, leading to weight gain, particularly in the lower body.

5. Cortisol
Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands and is mainly secreted when we are under stress, depressed, anxious, angry or physically injured.
Cortisol regulates energy levels and energy mobilization
However, elevated levels can result in fat cell maturation, hyperinsulinemia, and increased visceral fat deposition, all of which can cause you to gain more weight.

6. Progesterone
Progesterone and estrogen must be in balance if the body is to function correctly. In fact, a progesterone drop because of menopause, stress, the consumption of foods containing antibiotics and hormones or the use of the birth control pill can all eventually lead to a decline in progesterone, along with the associated weight gain and depression.

7. Ghrelin
This is the hunger hormon
Ghrelin contributes to increased fat deposition and appetite stimulation. Along with the pancreas, small intestine, and brain, the stomach is the primary organ that secretes it.
Weight gain may result from elevated blood levels of ghrelin.
Obese people are particularly sensitive to ghrelin, encouraging them to eat more. Ghrelin levels can also rise when you’re on a strict diet or fasting.

8. Testosterone
Yes, women produce testosterone, though in smaller amounts than men.
It boosts libido, builds bones and muscles, and aids in fat burning.
In women, the ovaries produce this hormone, but age and stress can take their toll, lowering testosterone levels.
The ovaries of women create this hormone, but stress and aging can have a negative impact on testosterone levels.

9. Melatonin
Melatonin is produced in the pineal gland deep within your brain
Your circadian rhythm is preserved, allowing you to sleep and wake on schedule
When your melatonin levels naturally rise at night, growth hormone is released, which helps the body heal, build lean muscle and improve bone density
However, your body will go into stress mode if your circadian cycle is thrown off, you don’t get enough sleep, or your room isn’t dark enough at night.
lead to inflammation-induced weight gain.

10. Glucocorticoids
Inflammation is an important part of the healing process. But chronic inflammation can lead to some unfortunate outcomes, including weight gain. Glucocorticoids actually help reduce inflammation. But they also regulate the use of sugar, fats, and proteins in your body.
It has been found that glucocorticoids, however, don’t favor sugar or glucose as a fuel for your body, and they reduce your body utilization of it as an energy source. Where does this leave you? With higher blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance, and usually, obesity or even diabetes if it’s left unchecked.


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