HIV and AIDS are not the same. Know how!


HIV/AIDS. The two go together. At the point when you see them in the media, read about them on the web, or hear them on the news, it’s consistently HIV/AIDS.

Be that as it may, for what reason do individuals say both? Doesn’t HIV mean AIDS? On the off chance that you have HIV do you additionally have AIDS? Is HIV only an alternate method to state AIDS?

These inquiries are substantial. It may appear as though the contrast between the two doesn’t generally make a difference or one method the other. In any case, that is not valid.

HIV and AIDS are not the same.

HIV represents human immunodeficiency infection; the infection causes HIV and the term used to allude to both the infection and the disease it causes. HIV assaults and decimates explicit safe framework cells called CD4 cells. The body’s loss of these cells makes it less ready to avert different ailments and contaminations, including diseases.

AIDS is a condition that happens when your body’s insusceptible framework has been so debilitated by HIV that it can’t fend off an assortment of diseases and different sicknesses, including malignancy. Since HIV annihilates the CD4 insusceptible cells, specialists can analyze the movement to AIDS by doing a tally of those cells. A solid check is 500 – 1200 CD4 cells. A check of under 200 shows the condition has advanced to AIDS.

Signs that the infection has formed into AIDS incorporate diseases that you would typically have the option to fend off, for example, thrush, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. Certain diseases, for example, Kaposi sarcoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma likewise are pervasive in individuals who have created AIDS.

When an individual is tainted with HIV, they will, in general, create influenza-like indications inside half a month or months. Basic beginning manifestations incorporate cerebral pains, fever or potentially a rash. Progressively genuine side effects may create if treatment isn’t looked for, including quick weight reduction, ceaseless looseness of the bowels, contaminations or illnesses that would not generally happen if the individual was sound and had a solid resistant framework. These increasingly extreme indications don’t happen for a considerable length of time. It normally takes long stretches of no treatment for the infection to advance to AIDS.

At the point when left untreated, HIV advances to AIDS after it has cleared out enough CD4 cells. Treatment can help stop the movement of HIV to AIDS. Antiretroviral treatment (ART) is a blend of drugs that are utilized to keep HIV from recreating, subsequently decreasing the measure of the infection in the body. The less HIV in the body, the better the possibility the resistant framework needs to secure the body against the infection and disease. Workmanship isn’t a fix, however, it can help those with HIV live longer lives, be more advantageous, and helps bring down the danger of transmitting HIV to other people. The accomplice of somebody who is on treatment for HIV (or anybody at a high danger of getting the infection) should begin a preventive medicine called PrEP–pre-introduction prophylaxis. At the point when this pill is taken reliably, it brings down the hazard in individuals who are in danger by shielding the infection from establishing a changeless HIV disease.

Counteractive action of HIV

  • Shielding yourself from getting HIV and, on the off chance that you’ve been uncovered, finding a way to avert contaminating others is indispensable. The National Institutes of Health prescribe:
  • Getting tried for HIV and knowing your accomplice’s status
  • Utilizing a condom for sex without fail
  • Restricting your number of sexual accomplices
  • Getting tried and treated for STDs, which can expand the danger of procuring AIDS
  • Not sharing medication needles or syringes

HIV and AIDS are serious, but with increased knowledge and advances in treatment, a diagnosis is not a death sentence.


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