The number of people who shop on Amazon in relation to


Negative reviews are not as horrible as you might imagine, despite popular belief. Indeed, some are completely nonsensical and unnecessarily criticize your company or product. However, those that are well-written can highlight significant issues with your product. For instance, a crucial element from the user’s point of view was overlooked by your production team.
Conversely, it’s also possible that the issue is with the way you presented your offering rather than the actual product itself. For instance, a bad review can point out that the description page needs to be reworded or that there are unclear instructions or guidelines. Your Amazon business will succeed if you accept criticism and work to improve your weaknesses.

Amazon is the market leader in e-commerce and is revolutionizing online shopping for customers all over the world.

However, how much of an impact does Amazon have on the contemporary online marketplace?

In light of this, we will discuss Amazon’s statistics, which demonstrate its significant influence on international trade.

Amazon Data: The Crucial Figures Healthy Lifestyle Trends, 
Over 310 million people use Amazon worldwide.
1.9 million people are actively selling on Amazon, out of 9.7 million vendors globally.
In 2023, it is anticipated that Amazon will have $746.22 billion in revenues.
Amazon is where 92% of internet shoppers have made a purchase.
Amazon is the website that 89% of online shoppers prefer to use when making purchases.
Amazon Prime is owned by 64% of internet shoppers.
The average American spends $91.75 a month on Amazon.
Amazon earns a mediocre
At the moment, 39.6% of US e-commerce sales are made by Amazon.
Amazon is expected to have 40.9% of the US retail e-commerce market by 2025.

In 2024, Amazon will only account for 6.6% of US retail sales.
By 2025, Amazon’s retail e-commerce revenues are expected to have grown from $444.76 billion in 2023 to $540.29 billion.
The increase is expected to be $46.89 billion between 2023 and 2024 (from $444.76 billion to $491.65 billion).

User statistics for on Amazon.
Despite having a large global user base, Amazon is primarily based in the US. The following important figures demonstrate this:

Eighty percent of the more than 310 million active users on Amazon are from the United States.
In the US,
Amazon is where 63% of consumers start their product searches.
On Amazon, searches, not ads, account for 90% of all product views.

Seventy percent of Amazon shoppers only ever look at the first page of results.
On a search page, 35% of Amazon customers click on the first product that appears.
Sixty-four percent of clicks are on the first three search results that appear.
Brands on the first page of Amazon search results receive 81% of clicks.
Every month, 98.07 million users access the Amazon app.
Compared to July 2022, there were roughly 2.4% fewer searches on Amazon US in July 2023.

Gadgets account for half of all Amazon searches.
In the US, Amazon holds a 45% market share in online sales.
Statistics on Amazon Product Sales for
Product sales on Amazon reveal some intriguing patterns about how users browse the website. Examine these important statistics to learn what influences consumer behavior:

In 2022, Amazon’s net sales climbed by 9% to $514 billion.
Currently, more than 12 million products are sold on Amazon.
On average, Amazon sells $1.29 billion every day.
In 2023, it is anticipated that Amazon will have $746.22 billion in revenues.
It takes three minutes or less to complete 28% of Amazon purchases.
75% of consumers look for new brands and goods on Amazon.
52% of Amazon customers are more likely to buy a brand they had never heard of before.
Books are the most popular product category, with 57.2 million sales.
Over 4.1 billion goods were sold by independent merchants in the US in

Data on Amazon Advertising for

Strong conversion rates and substantial returns are achieved by merchants with the aid of Amazon Advertising. Key findings that demonstrate its impact are as follows:

The return on ad investment for Amazon sellers is 4.5 times.
Amazon’s average cost per click (CPC) for 2023 is currently $0.97.
At least one form of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is used by 75% of Amazon sellers.
The effectiveness of Amazon advertisements is demonstrated by the average 9.89% Amazon PPC conversion rate.
Advertising accounts for 22% of the average Amazon seller’s revenue.
In 2022, the advertising services division of Amazon accounted for 7.3% of total net sales, up from 6.6% in 2021.
In 2022, Amazon made $37.7 billion from advertising, a 20% increase over the year before.
At the moment, Amazon controls 7.3% of the market for internet advertising.

New data from Amazon about

Amazon Fresh is a significant force in online grocery shopping and is revolutionizing the way that people purchase their food. The following are the main figures that demonstrate its impact and scope:

Approximately 150 million people use the internet to buy groceries.
Approximately 48 million individuals use Amazon Fresh to order groceries online.
Compared to 55% of Prime members, 32% of non-Prime customers purchased groceries online from Amazon Fresh or
In 2022, Amazon Fresh made $4.96 billion, a 5.7% increase over 2021.
In the US, 26% of consumers who get groceries online say they will return to Amazon Fresh.
As of Q1 2023, Amazon Fresh has more than 40 locations in the US.
78% of grocery shoppers make their purchases on
Statistics on Amazon customer loyalty with reference to

With regular shoppers and great retention rates, Amazon has established a devoted following of customers. Let’s examine the reasons why clients keep coming back:

Eighty-nine percent of Amazon shoppers are brand loyal.
Amazon received an ASCI score of 84 out of 100 for customer satisfaction.
After a year, the retention percentage for Amazon Prime subscribers is 93%, and after two years, it is 98%.
85% of Prime members make at least one weekly trip to Amazon.
46% of Amazon Prime customers make at least one purchase per week.
While non-Prime members spend $600 annually, the average Prime member spends almost $1,400.
In the US, 38% of Amazon users made four or more repeat purchases.
98% of Amazon Prime subscribers keep their memberships active.

Statistics from Amazon Audible about

Over 50 million people are paying subscribers to Audible.
In the US, Audible holds a 63.4% market share in the audiobook publishing industry.
The average person spends forty-one minutes a day listening to audiobooks.
54.44% of Audible users are men, compared to 45.56% who are women.
An estimated $200 million is Audible’s yearly revenue.
Four percent of Amazon’s book publishing earnings comes from Audible.
Of Americans who are 18 years of age or older, 45% have listened to an audiobook at some point.
Those under 45 make up 57% of regular audiobook listeners.
Of those surveyed, 32% read two or three novels a month.
68% of Audible’s workforce is male, while 32% is female.


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