Factors Affecting Vitamin D Level


The sunshine vitamin, medically termed Vitamin D, is essential for bone strength, immunity, and heart health. Even the healthiest of individuals may have deficient vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D Deficiency can leads to,

  • Auto-Immune diseases (like Diabetes)
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle loss
  • Soft bones
  • Fractures
  • Frequent illness
  • Cognitive impairments
  • Deformity in children
  • Asthma

Constituents affecting vitamin D level:

Vitamin D is absorbed through very few sources. Here is the list of unavoidable factors that affects the Vitamin D production in our body.

A)Being lactose intolerance 

Milk allergies affect vitamin D level. Cow’s milk is an essential source of Vitamin D.

B)Being vegan

Vitamin D is present mostly in non-vegetarian diets such as fish, liver, egg yolk, etc., and vegan diets can cause a deficiency.

C)Minimal exposure to the sun

Our skin produces Vitamin D when being exposed to the sun. Thus, individuals staying in the colder regions or who shun the sun are prone to Vitamin D deficiency.


Older people experience various vitamin deficiencies because the conversion of food into important nutrients declines rapidly.


Vitamin D is fat-soluble. Being obese leads to low sugar level, makes incapable to dissolve the vitamin.

F)Dark skin

Dark skin contains high melanin concentration which blocks the skin from absorbing the sunlight to produce vitamin.

G)Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnant women require extra as the Vitamin D level tends to fluctuate during pregnancy while human milk does not contain high levels of the vitamin. Therefore, breastfeeding children may require Vitamin D supplements until they begin to consume formula milk.


Cosmetic products block the sun, such as sunscreen. They restrain the body from producing Vitamin D even when exposed to the sun.

I)Other Ailments

Digestive diseases, kidney diseases, cystic fibrosis, and heart diseases can inhibit the body from acquiring calcium, magnesium, and others which are important to increase the vitamin level from the food we consume.


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