24 hours of eating for a healthy body


A healthy eating plan or healthy diet includes foods from all the food groups, including complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables and water. A healthy diet also means eating a wide variety of foods from various food groups, in the right quantity or portion, drinking an adequate amount of water and being active to maintain a healthy body weight. Eating a balanced and healthy diet helps in maintaining strong bones and helps to improve the immune system. People with underlying co-morbid conditions or special dietary needs, should consult a registered dietitian for advice.

List of healthy food to consume for a healthy body
Below is a list of foods to be included in your daily routine for a healthy body.













High fiber starchy carbohydrates
Carbohydrates should make up about one third of the total calories you consume throughout the day (or the food you eat in 24 hours). High fiber carbohydrates include whole grains, whole cereals, potatoes with skin, unpolished rice, wheat, etc. These foods contain more fiber than refined carbohydrates, which helps you feel satiated (keeps you full for a longer period. At least one starchy food should be a part of every major meal. Just keep an eye on the amount of fats you use while cooking these types of carbohydrates, because that will increase the calorie content of that recipe – for example, butter or cream cheese on bread, oil in chips and fries, sauces in pasta, etc.

Fruits and vegetables
It is recommended that you should eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables every day. They should be fresh and whole and not in the form of juice. This can be done by adding fruits to your cereal bowl or by swapping your mid meals with a fruit. The vegetable recommendation can be met by adding salads to your meals along with a portion of cooked green vegetables, by adding vegetables to breakfast preparations or simply by making a vegetable or fruit smoothie.

Fish for proteins
Fish is a source of good quality proteins and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to include at least 2 portions of fish every week, especially oily fish. Oily fish is high in omega 3 fatty acids, which is said to be healthy for heart health. Salmon, trout, herring, mackerel, sardines, etc. are few examples of oily fish. Try to incorporate fresh fish and avoid dried or canned fish as they are high in salt. If you are facing any kidney issues, please consult your physician before consuming fish or other proteins.

Avoid getting dehydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. It is recommended to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day. But if you sweat too much because of exercise or work pattern, then you must compensate for those losses. The fluid intake can be met by consuming water, coconut water, soups, buttermilk and lime juice. Tea and coffee cannot be a part of the daily fluid intake. Avoid soft drinks, fizzy drinks, flavored milks as they are high in sugar and calories.

What to avoid eating for a healthy body?
Saturated fats
Fats are needed in your daily diet, but it is important to pay attention to the amount and type of fats you are consuming. There are 2 types of fats: saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Consuming more saturated fats can elevate the amount of blood cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. On an average, men should not have more than 30 grams and women should not have more than 20 grams of saturated fats per day. Biscuits, cream, cakes, bakery products, sausages, pies, etc. are few examples of saturated fats. Instead choose foods that contain unsaturated fats like vegetable oils and spreads, oily fish, avocados, etc. Choose lean cuts while consuming meat products and try to cut off any visible fats. Irrespective of the type of fats, consume them in moderation as they are high in fats.

Sugar rich foods and drinks are high in sugars, are high in energy (calories) and increase the risk of weight gain obesity. They can also cause tooth decay, especially when consumed frequently and in large quantities. Free sugars (sugars that we add to foods or drinks) should be cut down rather than natural sugars which are present in milk and fruits. Free sugars are present in high quantities in many packaged foods and drinks like cereals, flavored milks, fruit juices, energy drinks, fizzy drinks etc. Always read food labels to understand the quantity of sugars the packaged food contains.

Excessive consumption of salt can elevate the blood pressure which can increase the risk of developing heart disease or stroke. It is recommended to eat not more than 6 grams of salt everyday (about 1-1.5 tsp). Younger children should have even less than 6 grams. Irrespective of whether we add salt in food, it still has some amount of salt naturally (sodium). Also, about three quarters of the salt we eat comes from the packaged food that we consume like cereals, soups, breads and sauces. Read food labels to understand the amount of salt present in those foods which can help you to cut down on salt. It is recommended to avoid foods like papad, pickles, namkeen, sauces, dry fish, canned foods, etc. as they are high in salt.

Benefits of eating healthy food
Eating healthy food is like a magic potion that can work wonders for your body! Here are some amazing benefits:
Live longer and stay healthy: A healthy diet is like a secret weapon against chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
Say goodbye to yo-yo dieting: A healthy diet will help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight that feels good for you.
Boost your mood and mental health: Eating well can make you feel happier and more focused.
Sleep like a baby: A healthy and balanced diet can improve your sleep quality, so you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Glow from within: A healthy diet will keep your skin looking healthy and radiant.
Healthy gut, happy life: A healthy diet supports a healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for overall well-being.
Sharpen your mind: Eating a healthy diet can improve your brain function, including your memory and focus.
Strong bones and teeth, for life: A healthy diet helps keep your bones and teeth strong and healthy.
Fight off colds and flu: A healthy diet can boost your immunity, so you’re less likely to get sick.
Keep your digestive system happy: A healthy diet with foods from all the different food groups supports a healthy digestive system, making you feel good inside out.

There are various benefits of eating a healthy and balanced diet as compared to a diet of poor quality. Eating a healthy diet can lead to a better sense of well-being, improve the immune system and boost confidence. If you follow a healthy way of eating and be consistent in it, you will see the changes in your body within a short span. These lifestyle changes when followed consistently, become your habits and can make a huge difference in your body and health. So eat healthy and stay positive.


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