Coconut Oil and Lemon for Dandruff

Purpose: Lemon juice for dandruff works wonders! Known for its anti-fungal properties, Coconut Oil moisturizes a dry scalp and tackles itchiness like a pro. Plus, it nourishes your hair and boosts hair growth. Need we say more?
Method: For a potent anti-dandruff remedy, combine equal parts of Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice and massage on your scalp. Let it sit for 20 minutes before you wash your hair. Follow this dandruff treatment at home regularly for best results.

Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff

Purpose: Tea Tree Oil has long been used to treat dandruff, owing to its potent cleansing and anti-fungal properties. A classic anti-dandruff treatment if we may say so.
Method: Add six drops of Tea Tree Oil to half a cup of essential oil (such as Lavender), and massage on your scalp to get rid of dandruff. You can also add a few drops to your regular shampoo to make it into an all-natural anti-dandruff shampoo.

Olive Oil and Vinegar for Dandruff

Purpose: Olive oil for dandruff is a natural conditioner and minimize oxidative damage owing to its anti-oxidant properties. This lightweight oil is effective on hair without weighing it down. The acetic properties of vinegar fights off fungal infections and improves blood circulation.
Method: Mix 1 tsp Olive Oil and 2 tsp White Vinegar in a bowl of water. Apply this mixture on separate sections of your hair and massage the scalp for five minutes. Wash it off with a sulfate-free anti-dandruff shampoo and apply a conditioner.

Salt for Dandruff

Purpose: Salt absorbs excess oil or sebum that can otherwise clog pores and steer your scalp from turning into an oil-extracting land. Salt, when used in adequate amounts, can also help absorb extra moisture and defy fungal infection.
Method: Salt can be added to your usual hair wash. Squeeze a dollop of shampoo on your palm and add a pinch of salt to it. Apply this salt-shampoo on your hair, while massaging it onto your scalp in circular motions. Leave it on for two minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.


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