Curry Leaves for Healthy Hair


Curry leaves are one of the most common ingredients used to add mouth-watering aroma to the dishes. For years, curry leaves have been used to enhance flavors of Indian food recipes,  but you will be surprised to know that curry leaves are also used for hair. Well, these aromatic leaves are loaded with health building nutrients including vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and nicotinic acid, which c do wonders for your hair.

In fact, if used regularly, they can help treat all your hair related problems, right from dry and damaged hair to split ends and hair greying. Here’s how you can include curry leaves in your daily hair care regime.

A)Speeds up hair growth

Take a handful of curry leaves with yoghurt. Mix them both gently to make a paste and directly apply it on your hair. Wait for 20 minutes, wash them off with warm water and shampoo. This mixture is more effective than any other hair oil product in nourishing and hydrating your hair. Using this mask regularly will not only promote the growth of new hair but also it rejuvenates hair follicles, making your hair look shinier and healthier.

B)Longer and stronger hair

Curry leaves has an array of bioactive compounds, which can keep your hair healthy and strengthen them from the root up. Simply add few drops of curry leaf essential oil in your regular oil, massage daily for at least 5 minutes using your fingertips. Wash with warm water and use conditioner if needed.

C)Prevents premature greying

Hair greying can be caused due to stress, genetics, alcohol, smoking and poor lifestyle. All these factors lead to free radical accumulation and oxidative damage of your hair shaft and follicles, making them loose their colour and vibrancy over time. Curry leaves help restore hair colour by nourishing the scalp as they are rich source of vitamin B, a natural antioxidant compound that fights free radical damage. Simply rinse your hair with boiled curry leaves water to get all of these benefits. This will also smoothen your hair and add lusture to your tresses.

D)Controls hair loss

Sudden hair loss can occur due to lack of proteins, vitamins and improper diet. This can be cured by using extracts from hibiscus flowers and curry leaves together. Both these herbs help rejuvenate dead hair follicles and moisturize the scalp, leading to reduces hair fall with a few weeks of regular use. You can even prevent dandruff by using this mixture.

E)Repairs damaged roots

Chemical treatments and pollution could be the possible reason for your damaged hair. Since curry leaves are rich in antioxidants, they can effectively repair damaged roots. The best method is to mix curry leaves in coconut oil and apply directly onto the scalp. This will allow your hair shafts to get stronger and hair roots to be nourished, eventually making your hair look healthier and alive.


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