How to Overcome Quarantine Fatigue?


Are you experiencing quarantine fatigue or feeling drained while isolated?

Quarantine fatigue happens due to all the emotional stress brought on by our present situation due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Supporting social distancing and staying at home for several months can affect people emotionally which is called quarantine fatigue by experts. Isolation can severely damage mental health. Our life has drastically altered and isolation period keeps on increasing, inability to take part in activities (socializing, going to the gym, visiting family, traveling, attending events, etc)

Psychotherapist and leadership consultant, Jennifer Musselman states,” Quarantine fatigue is being done with the isolation, the lack of connection, lack of routine, and loss of the sense of freedom to go about life in some pre-quarantine way that feels unrestricted; it’s being emotionally exhausted and depleted from experiencing the same day, every day.”

Jacqueline Gollan, two professorships holder (at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine: one in obstetrics and gynecology and another in psychiatry and behavioral sciences) talk about quarantine fatigue that, “It’s reflected when we become impatient with warnings, or we don’t believe the warnings to be real or relevant, or we de-emphasize the actual risk, she further says, “And in doing that, we then bend rules or stop safety behaviors like washing hands, wearing masks and social distancing.”

Emotional Effects of Quarantine Fatigue:

You may experience any of these

  • Eating more
  • Eating less
  • Anxiety
  • Stressed
  • Insomnia or oversleeping
  • Unmotivated or less productive
  • Being irritated
  • Feeling hopeless

How to Deal with It

Fast forward three months, it is tough to declare when you will go out in the real world again. We have come up with tips and ideas to tackle specific emotional and physical challenges. It is possible to feel better.

Start with Self-Care

You should eat healthy food, hydrate, do a workout, and interact with your loved ones and family members. You can adopt new habits such as reading novels, listening to positive podcasts, writing poems, or short stories. These behaviors can improve your mental health and redirect your thoughts towards doing some productive work for yourself. These activities are mood lifters.

Talk to People

Surprisingly interacting with loved ones has a profound therapeutic effect. You feel better when you pour your thoughts and feelings into words. You can see or observe your big issue and resolve it in a completely different way. You can talk with professionals about how you are feeling, struggling, and ask them how to cope with it.

Try Home Makeover

You can start refreshing your home or rearrange things that can boost your mood and also offer a fresh perspective. Renovate your room with wall painting, pasting wall posters, and more to enhance your feelings. You can create a joyful environment by decorating your room.

Make a New Routine

Living in a pandemic environment is stressful. Our daily life has changed. You should find ways to structure your daily routine to improve your mood. For example, after waking, you can do yoga or meditation then have breakfast. After your office work, take a break, go for a walk and get some fresh air. You can allow a few minutes for cooking, skincare, and listening to good music. These activities will help your mood.

Instead of worrying, we should live with the truth. Follow these amazing ways to combat quarantine fatigue.


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