Workouts to Try Together


Whether you’re struggling to make it to the gym regularly or you’re stuck in the same exercise routine week after week, working out with a partner can shake things up and get you excited about exercising!

Planning partner workouts can help you by establishing a consistent fitness routine, keeping you motivated, providing support to reach your goals, and making your workouts fun! With the right partner workout—and the right friend—you’ll be ready to reach your fitness goals.

Read on to learn five partner workouts to try together.
1. Squats
Squats are a great partner workout to start with! Whether you’ve been using a rack or are more comfortable with body weight movements, squats are a fantastic way to get all your muscles activated and your heart pumping!

Face your partner and stand at an arm’s length away.
With your feet slightly wider than your hips, grab your partner’s forearm.
Squat together!
As your hips become parallel to the floor, hold that position for three seconds.
Stand back up and repeat!

Face your partner with each of you holding the opposite ends of both resistance bands.
Extend your arms out straight to add tension.
Squat down in unison as you tighten your core.
Jump up simultaneously.
Land softly on your toes and repeat.

Stand half an arm’s length away from your partner facing back-to-back.
While holding a medicine or exercise ball over your head, pass it backward towards your partner.
Both you and your partner squat as the ball is placed on the floor.
Your partner will then roll the ball in between their legs back to you before standing up again.
After five sets, switch rolls with your partner so you each have a chance to lift and roll the ball.

2. Sit-Ups
Having strong abs is core to so many workouts! When you focus on abdominal muscles in your partner workouts, you’re building a strong base for every other exercise you try. Grab a buddy to make abdominal day more fun and see how the added core strength impacts your entire routine!

Both partners begin facing each other and locking their feet together.
Together the partners will perform a sit-up and high-five at the top of the movement.
Partners will switch the hand that is high-fiving for each sit-up.
Repeat the movement.

Lie down on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent with your partner facing the opposite direction.
One partner will hold the ball extended over their head on the floor.
Both partners will perform a sit-up and pass the ball to each other at the top of the movement, then lower back down to the floor.

The other partner will tap the medicine ball on the floor behind them and repeat the sit-up.
The ball should continue to pass back and forth at the top of each sit-up.

3. Push-Ups
Having strong abs is core to so many workouts! When you focus on abdominal muscles in your partner workouts, you’re building a strong base for every other exercise you try. Grab a buddy to make abdominal day more fun and see how the added core strength impacts your entire routine!

Both partners begin facing each other and locking their feet together.
Together the partners will perform a sit-up and high-five at the top of the movement.
Partners will switch the hand that is high-fiving for each sit-up.
Repeat the movement.

Lie down on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent with your partner facing the opposite direction.
One partner will hold the ball extended over their head on the floor.
Both partners will perform a sit-up and pass the ball to each other at the top of the movement, then lower back down to the floor.
The other partner will tap the medicine ball on the floor behind them and repeat the sit-up.
The ball should continue to pass back and forth at the top of each sit-up.

3. Push-Ups
Push-ups are an amazing partner workout that gets your whole body engaged! Whether you need to rest on your knees or can do them with one hand behind your back, push-ups are a fantastic way to activate your upper body, abs, and lower body.

Both partners begin by facing each other in a plank position.
Simultaneously perform a push-up.
At the top of the push-up, both partner’s tap the other’s left shoulder with their right hand.
With each push-up, alternate the hand you use and shoulder you tap.

One partner will start in a plank position, while the second partner carefully lifts up the planked partner’s ankles.
In this position, the partner in the plank will do a push-up and the partner holding their ankles will simultaneously perform a squat.
Repeat this movement five to ten times and switch positions.

4. Planks
Planks—not the 2011 trend—can get your heart pumping, sweat pouring, and muscles activated! It’s an amazing ab workout that relies on your upper body, abdominal muscles, and lower body to keep you elevated in the movement.

Strengthen your core and have fun with your exercise buddy with one of these partner plank workouts.

Partners begin in a plank position about one foot apart.
Both partners reach with their right hand and tap their partner’s left shoulder.
As soon as your hand returns to the ground, repeat the movement with your left hand tapping your partner’s right shoulder.
One partner begins in a plank position with the other partner standing next to their feet on the left side of the body.
As the first partner holds a plank, the second partner will jump laterally over their partners feet to the right side of their body.
After landing lightly on their toes, the second partner will immediately jump back over their partner’s feet.

Both partners start in a side plank position facing back to back.
One partner will have their weight on their right with feet stacked and their left hand straight up in the air to form a “T.”
The other partner will be in the same position, but on their left side.
Simultaneously, both partners will bring their raised arm across their body and tap hands with their partner below their torsos.
After tapping, return your arms to the

5. Group Fitness Classes
Creating your own workout plan can be intimidating! That’s why we offer a variety of group workout classes that you and your partner can join. Try out some of our favorites!

Body Pump

Group fitness classes are a great way to create a consistent exercise plan, get feedback from helpful instructors, and have fun with your favorite workout buddies. Stop by to find the perfect class for your next partner workout!

Partner workouts can give you the confidence and motivation you need to stick with your exercise routine while also making your workout fun, challenging, and different! When you workout with a friend, they can push you to try new things, hold you accountable, and help you reach your fitness goals.

So if you’re struggling to make it to the gym regularly, need the motivation to push yourself at the gym, or are tired of doing the same workouts—finding someone to try these fun partner workouts with you may be just what you need!


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