Tips to reduce snoring


Snoring is caused by alternating breathing through the nose and throat during sleep. This disruption of breathing causes the tissues in the throat to vibrate and snore.
Snoring disturbs the sleep of those who sleep nearby. Snoring can be caused by obesity, mouth / nose / throat disorders, and insomnia. Snoring can also occur if alcohol is consumed before bedtime.

Consult a doctor if you have loud snoring, frequent snoring, shortness of breath during sleep, headache when waking up in the morning, waking up with a dry throat, amnesia, or sleep disturbance during the day.

Here are some tips to help you get rid of snoring: –

Lose weight: Obese people are more likely to snore. Snoring can occur if there is fatty tissue and weak muscle in the throat area. Therefore it is necessary to lose weight.

Do not drink alcohol: Avoid drinking alcohol as it can cause snoring in the throat muscles.

Lie on your side: Lying straight is more likely to cause snoring. So, lie on your side.
Fruits: High intake of melatonin in the diet can lead to deep sleep. So, eat bananas, pineapples and lotuses which are high in melatonin.

Lie down with your head up: Sleep with your head up with pillows. If you sleep with your head raised, you can breathe evenly.

Do not smoke: Avoid smoking as it can irritate the airways. Smoking increases snoring.

Honey, Ginger Tea: Ginger is good for the throat as it secretes saliva. Drinking honey and ginger tea twice a day will reduce snoring.

Do not take sleeping pills: Sleeping too much can cause snoring. So, avoid sleeping pills.
Milk can be drunk, but … milk and dairy products can cause inflammation in the throat and nose. It is not necessary to avoid drinking milk altogether. However, do not drink milk before going to bed.

Water: Mucus is caused by lack of water in the body. This can even cause snoring. Men should drink 3.7 liters of water per day and women 2.7 liters per day.


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