How to Know your lover is taking your love and feelings for granted
Being in a relationship with someone who treats you exactly how you deserve is beautiful, being in a relationship with someone who treats you badly totally unfortunate. Nobody want heartbreak, nobody want being taken for granted, nobody want being hurt out of love. When you giving out your heart in a relationship rethink about everything if who you loving deserve your love and heart, if you have doubts about everything, don’t love with whole your heart.
Many years of counseling have offered me a lot of experience. Love is a beautiful thing, everybody desire to have a lovely and romantic partner. Nobody want to suffer in the name of LOVE.
Loving someone is a nice thing to do but there are a lot of things to understand about relationship. Love is all about giving not receiving without returning it.
When someone fall in love; he/she will give his heart to the partner, doing everything possible to make it work out, calling, texting, attention, respecting and appreciating her partner. You’ll do anything possible to see him/her smiles that’s GIVING. In love, dating and marriage, if your partner return what you have been GIVING that’s TRUE LOVE. Giving your heart to your partner, if your partner fail to return your love and cares that’s TAKING FOR GRANTED.
Love works when two heart feels the same thing, when lovers heart working together, understanding each other, no games and cheating.
Love is design by God, love is a beautiful thing that’s why you need to be careful who give your heart to handle. I want you to understand something today, LOVE comes from deepest heart, if you like calls your lover every 30 minutes to hear her voice, If you like bought plane for someone, if you like text everyday, chats all day and night, if you like loose your respect and pride; who doesn’t want to love you’ll never love you non matter what you doing for them.
Love comes from heart, its comes from deep heart that’s why you need to be careful what you’re doing in relationship, some people don’t appreciate your effort in loving them. Things are always opened to us that our lover doesn’t love us but we decided to be a fool in d name of proving
love when they don’t valve your effort.
When someone cares their actions will show & prove it to you & you will never have to convince or beg someone to love or be with you.
Everyone want to be in relationship with someone who truly love them as much as they do too. I also believe that relationship thrive best where the Love is mutual.
The truth is many go into relationship for different reasons and you can’t really know the true intent of any man or woman. So signs alone is not a guarantee that a man or woman truly love you.
The only person that knows the intent and the heart of every man is God. So God is the only person that can reveal to you the man or woman that will truly love you. So always pray to God to show you the right person for you.
1. You’re not a main Priority. Back in the day you were probably a top priority on his list, but nowadays you’re far from it. He puts everything ahead of you, Sure, you expect his family, friends, and work to rank high on his list, but what about you? Aren’t you supposed to be up there, too? Watch it you been taken for granted.
2. He takes from you without ever giving. He’s always happy to take from you without ever reciprocating. He knows you love him and will do anything to make him happy, even if you aren’t happy doing it. But does he ever go out of his way to do something kind for you? If your partner doesn’t reciprocate your love and kindness, something is wrong.
3. Little things do matter. Things like a quick hug or a kiss, a small love note saying how much they mean to you or asking about their day at the end of a tiring schedule can make a whole lot of a difference to your partner’s mood.
These are simple things that you ought to do when you are in a fulfilling love relationship in order to make your beloved feel special. It is only when the partner has taken you for granted and lost interest in you that they don’t find the need any longer to do these little things.
4. A different person when he wants to be physical. His mood will be totally antagonistic towards you throughout the day but whenever his hormones start to fizz up and he starts to feel horny, he is a different person altogether. He’ll try to be funny and charming just so that he can fulfil his own sexual desires and after it’s done, he changes into the same person he was before. You are not someone’s toy, please value yourself and stand up for yourself.
He is definitely taking your kindness for granting when he uses you for sex and seems to have nothing to do with you at other times.
Don’t you think you deserve better? You are not a thing to be used and discarded whenever the need if fulfilled. Why would a relationship be any different? You ought to walk away from a partner like that, who only uses you when they need something from you, drain you by taking up all of your precious time and efforts then walking away like it all meant nothing.
5. He makes strange calls or chats in your presence. This happens when things begin to go out of hand in your relationship. I’ve seen many ladies go through this frustrating phase where the guy makes calls to strange women in her presence or when the guy prefers to pay more attention to his phone chat than to his lady. This is really frustrating and annoying at the same time, and it could mean that the man has lost respect for the lady.
So, if you’re currently in a situation like this, you may want to have a close talk with your man before deciding what’s the next step for your relationship.
6. They refuse to compromise. Relationships require equal work and compromise in order to make both people happy and to show willingness to adapt and care for each other.
However, if your partner is refusing to compromise on both big and little issues and always set in their ways, it shows they just string you along without thinking of you as a valued factor in the matter.
7. They never initiate contact. In my opinion, this is potentially the biggest sign that you’re being taken for granted. If you’re always the one initiating conversation, doesn’t that make you feel like the other person doesn’t care whether you’re a focal point of their life or not?
I’ve found this problem to be prevalent in all kinds of relationships, from familial to friendships. I’m a huge believer that if someone really wants to talk to you – they will find a way to, under almost any circumstance. If someone genuinely wanted to become a part of your reality, they will do their very best to make it so. Relationships are about give and take
8. They’re not appreciative. Doing things for someone can feel so rewarding when you know how much they appreciate what you’ve done. However, when you put forth effort for someone and all you’re met with is disinterest, it can be really damaging. It’s also time to think about if things are becoming one-sided. Don’t drain yourself trying to making someone else happy. There should be equal effort from both sides.
9. They aren’t faithful to you. If your partner has cheated on you, it’s very clear that they are taking you for granted. Now, for a lot of people, the immediate solution is to end things. Yet, we know it’s not always that easy to let go of a relationship; of the person you love and have committed to.
People cheat for all sorts of reasons – but none of them are valid. If you’re aware that your partner is cheating on you and you’re still with them, you need to question why.
If they’re not making any effort to alleviate your feelings or reassure you through taking action, you’re being taken advantage of and your partner is not treating you with the respect that you deserve.
10. They treat others better than they treat you. It’s plain to see that your partner treats their family, friends, and even their colleagues better than they treat you. They show them the respect that is absent in your relationship.
They listen to others, help them out, show their appreciation, pay attention to their needs, and generally behave more favorably toward them. And you might not be the only one to have spotted this.
If your friends and family are voicing their concerns over how you seem to be treated as second rate, there has to be a good reason. They wouldn’t speak ill of your partner lightly.
11. The romantic gestures disappear. Before you guys actually started dating, there was probably a lot of romantic effort put in from both sides to keep each other’s interest. Your significant other may stop doing what they did when they were “chasing” you because they finally have you. There comes a point when “I love you” isn’t spoken as frequently, compliments are nearly nonexistent and the romance simply disappears. Remember that this is not normal. No matter how long you guys have been together, keeping the spark alive in a relationship is what keeps it going.
If you realize that you might be taken for granted, speak up. Nobody is perfect, but let your significant other know how you’re feeling.
Bro, You’re in love right? But did you value your woman, Did you value that precious girl Who understands everything about you. She sacrifice her happiness just to make you smile. When you said am broke, she understands, even try as much as she can to assist you. Sometimes she gives you money because she loves you so much.
Do you know that her friends are abusing her, calling her mumu. They insult her in every occasion, she is dating someone who can’t take care of her. But why have you decided to cheat on her, treat her bad, beat her up, disrespecting and taking her love for granted. She doesn’t deserve this shit from you.
She is always there for you; She respect and submit to you as her husband. She wants the best for you that why she is supporting you. STOP TAKING HER FOR GRANTED, she deserve to be loved in return. She has given you her heart and soul, stop hurting her.
Bro value what you have or you’ll regret losing it. Someone will take her, appreciate the quantities of a real woman she showed you but failed to understand it. She deserve TRUE LOVE, don’t take for granted, change today.