What do all brilliant haircuts for men have in common? An expertly trimmed contour! And there’s no better way to make sure your hairstyle is on point than with a shape up haircut.
But what is a shape up haircut, you may ask? In our extensive guide, we will not only explain what it is but also how to do a shape up haircut.
In between, we’ll also show you all the different types of shape ups haircuts you can try out for a fresh appearance.
Without further ado, discover the coolest shape up haircut you can try out today, all below!
What Is a Shape Up Haircut?
Even if you don’t know what a shape up is, you’ve definitely seen it before.
In essence, a shape up haircut consists in lining up the hairline, including the temples and sideburns. The barber uses liner clippers and/or a straight-edge razor to create a clean boxy outline around the forehead.
For this reason, the shape up is also referred to as an edge up or line up haircut. A shape up can be incorporated into numerous other haircuts, as a key element.
What made this hairstyle popular?
The shape up is a traditionally black hairstyle that rose to popularity in the 1980s. After that, it continued to develop alongside hip hop culture throughout the following decades.
Therefore, it often comes in various combinations depending on how you want the rest of the hair to look. Today, men from all around the world add shape ups to their hairstyle to obtain a clean-cut finish.
What do all brilliant haircuts for men have in common? An expertly trimmed contour! And there’s no better way to make sure your hairstyle is on point than with a shape up haircut.
But what is a shape up haircut, you may ask? In our extensive guide, we will not only explain what it is but also how to do a shape up haircut.
In between, we’ll also show you all the different types of shape ups haircuts you can try out for a fresh appearance.
Without further ado, discover the coolest shape up haircut you can try out today, all below!
What Is a Shape Up Haircut?
Even if you don’t know what a shape up is, you’ve definitely seen it before.
In essence, a shape up haircut consists in lining up the hairline, including the temples and sideburns. The barber uses liner clippers and/or a straight-edge razor to create a clean boxy outline around the forehead.
For this reason, the shape up is also referred to as an edge up or line up haircut. A shape up can be incorporated into numerous other haircuts, as a key element.
What made this hairstyle popular?
The shape up is a traditionally black hairstyle that rose to popularity in the 1980s. After that, it continued to develop alongside hip hop culture throughout the following decades.
Therefore, it often comes in various combinations depending on how you want the rest of the hair to look. Today, men from all around the world add shape ups to their hairstyle to obtain a clean-cut finish.
what is a shape up haircut
Rapper Big Daddy Kane photographed by Al Pereira while getting a shape up in 1989.
1. 90 Degree Shape Up Haircut
First off, we’ll present specific angle options for shape up haircuts. The classic choice is a 90-degree angle, with the shape up in the form of a rectangle. If you want your line up to be razor-sharp, it’s undoubtedly the best approach to go for.
2. Front Slanted Line Up Haircut
On the other hand, a slanted line can help you obtain a more dynamic look. If the shape up leans forward, it can create the illusion of a smaller forehead or lower hairline. In addition, slanted line ups complement men with beards.
3. Sharp and Curved Shape Up Haircut
Alternatively, you can mix multiple approaches for the silhouette of your shape up. For instance, start with a sharp angle halfway down the temples. After that, from the center point, curve the line inwards in a half-circle manner. The combination results in a sleek edge up with an unmistakable barbershop touch.
4. Rounded Corner Shape Up Haircut
Some men don’t want their line up to be super sharp all around. In this case, you can ask your barber to round off the corners to soften the look. After getting the main boxy contour in place, adjust the corners accordingly. We recommend the technique for guys who want to keep their hair longer in the shape up area
5. Inward Edge Up Haircut
Similar to the slanted line, men can also look into edges that lean inward in addition to forward. By curving the tip of the line towards the interior, the overall width of the forehead will seem to be reduced. Furthermore, it works best when paired with an extra curved line down the sideburns
6. Curved Hairline Shape Up Haircut
Aside from line up angles, there are also two main approaches for shaping the upper hairline. First of all, you can opt for a curved hairline that follows the crown of your head. Although very much recognizable, a curved hairline will lower the dramatic effect of a shape up haircut.
7. Straight Hairline Edge Up Haircut
On the other end of the spectrum, we have the shape up with a straight, blunt hairline. The alternative is ideal for guys who really want to get a boxy shape for their line up. Even though it’s on the showy side, it makes the haircut look even cleaner.
8. Receding Hairline Shape Up Haircut
When it comes to finding effective hairstyles for men with receding hairlines, the struggle is real. However, the process becomes easy with a shape up executed by a pro barber. You can mask the key balding areas by creating acute angles at each temple. As a result, the receding hairline won’t be as visible as before.
9. Shape Up and Shaped Beard
If you’ve put the time and effort into getting a killer beard, it goes without saying that you should do the same for your haircut. Oftentimes, men with beards prefer connecting their shape up to their beard through their sideburns. In this context, the edges should have a continuous line that curves with the natural shape of the beard.
10. Soft Shape Up Haircut
You don’t need a sharp shape up to look your very best. In fact, many guys with textured hair look far better with a softer hairline. To get the effect, leave the hair around your temples a little bit longer than with a regular shape up. Also, don’t push too far into the lines for a natural touch.
11. Shape Up Haircut with Waves
Men who want to keep their afro-textured locks neatly cropped should definitely look into deep waves. Not only do they look incredible but they also bring out the best in a shape up. For a waves hairstyle, we recommend the sharp and curved line combination.
12. Undercut Shape Up
If you have an undercut or are planning on getting one, a line up is just what you need. No matter what type of hair you have, a set of sharp edges has the magic of pulling the haircut together. You can add a shape up to the mix regardless if you have a disconnected or faded undercut.
13. Two-Layers Undercut with Line Up
On that note, a shape up works incredibly well with a two-layer undercut. If you want your undercut to feature two distinct layers, each with a separate length, line up the edges. Stop the shape up exactly at the transition from one layer to the other. To accentuate the contrast, shave a line along the middle, like in the photo below.
14. Afro Shape Up Haircut
There are plenty of ways you can rock afro hairstyles for men. While some guys like funky fresh retro afros, others want a tighter, more modern approach. To get the best of both worlds, try a medium afro shape up haircut. You can retain a good few inches of textured curls while cleaning up the hairline. A subtle fade around the ears will complete the look perfectly.
15. Cropped Shape Up Haircut
In contrast, you can opt for a short and easygoing haircut that won’t need as much daily maintenance. To keep matters simple in between touch up appointments, ask your barber to follow the shape of your natural hairline as much as they can. The shorter the top, the less you’ll have to deal with combing and styling.
16. Temp Fade Haircut
What happens when you combine a line up with a taper fade? You get the temp fade haircut. Essentially, a temp fade or box fade is a shape up haircut that fades towards the edges. If your main hairstyle will have some sort of fade, an added temp fade is the detail you have been looking for.
Speaking of fades, there is a huge variety you can choose from to top off your shape up. For starters, you can go all out with a line up bald fade. The fade transitions from the hair on the top all the way to a shaved scalp, which is why the haircut is also known as a skin fade. If you don’t want to show that much skin, you can also see how a bald fade would look with a beard.
18. Burst Fade Shape Up Haircuts
Another type of fade you can try with a shape up is the burst fade. Typically paired with a cropped mohawk, the burst fade outlines the sides of the head in a half circle fashion. All in all, the hair starts longer and tapers down to a low or skin fade around the ears. In the end, the fade seems to burst out from behind the ear, hence the name of the haircut.
19. High Top Fade Line Up Haircut
Shape ups and high top fades go hand in hand as few other haircuts do. In 9 out of 10 situations, a high top fade will always be accompanied by a skillful line-up. Unless you have a fully shaven undercut below your high top, the edges need to be tidied up for the hairstyle to work.
What do all brilliant haircuts for men have in common? An expertly trimmed contour! And there’s no better way to make sure your hairstyle is on point than with a shape up haircut.
But what is a shape up haircut, you may ask? In our extensive guide, we will not only explain what it is but also how to do a shape up haircut.
In between, we’ll also show you all the different types of shape ups haircuts you can try out for a fresh appearance.
Without further ado, discover the coolest shape up haircut you can try out today, all below!
What Is a Shape Up Haircut?
Even if you don’t know what a shape up is, you’ve definitely seen it before.
In essence, a shape up haircut consists in lining up the hairline, including the temples and sideburns. The barber uses liner clippers and/or a straight-edge razor to create a clean boxy outline around the forehead.
For this reason, the shape up is also referred to as an edge up or line up haircut. A shape up can be incorporated into numerous other haircuts, as a key element.
What made this hairstyle popular?
The shape up is a traditionally black hairstyle that rose to popularity in the 1980s. After that, it continued to develop alongside hip hop culture throughout the following decades.
Therefore, it often comes in various combinations depending on how you want the rest of the hair to look. Today, men from all around the world add shape ups to their hairstyle to obtain a clean-cut finish.
what is a shape up haircut
Rapper Big Daddy Kane photographed by Al Pereira while getting a shape up in 1989. Source
1. 90 Degree Shape Up Haircut
First off, we’ll present specific angle options for shape up haircuts. The classic choice is a 90-degree angle, with the shape up in the form of a rectangle. If you want your line up to be razor-sharp, it’s undoubtedly the best approach to go for.
2. Front Slanted Line Up Haircut
On the other hand, a slanted line can help you obtain a more dynamic look. If the shape up leans forward, it can create the illusion of a smaller forehead or lower hairline. In addition, slanted line ups complement men with beards.
3. Sharp and Curved Shape Up Haircut
Alternatively, you can mix multiple approaches for the silhouette of your shape up. For instance, start with a sharp angle halfway down the temples. After that, from the center point, curve the line inwards in a half-circle manner. The combination results in a sleek edge up with an unmistakable barbershop touch.
4. Rounded Corner Shape Up Haircut
Some men don’t want their line up to be super sharp all around. In this case, you can ask your barber to round off the corners to soften the look. After getting the main boxy contour in place, adjust the corners accordingly. We recommend the technique for guys who want to keep their hair longer in the shape up area.
5. Inward Edge Up Haircut
Similar to the slanted line, men can also look into edges that lean inward in addition to forward. By curving the tip of the line towards the interior, the overall width of the forehead will seem to be reduced. Furthermore, it works best when paired with an extra curved line down the sideburns.
6. Curved Hairline Shape Up Haircut
Aside from line up angles, there are also two main approaches for shaping the upper hairline. First of all, you can opt for a curved hairline that follows the crown of your head. Although very much recognizable, a curved hairline will lower the dramatic effect of a shape up haircut.
7. Straight Hairline Edge Up Haircut
On the other end of the spectrum, we have the shape up with a straight, blunt hairline. The alternative is ideal for guys who really want to get a boxy shape for their line up. Even though it’s on the showy side, it makes the haircut look even cleaner.
8. Receding Hairline Shape Up Haircut
When it comes to finding effective hairstyles for men with receding hairlines, the struggle is real. However, the process becomes easy with a shape up executed by a pro barber. You can mask the key balding areas by creating acute angles at each temple. As a result, the receding hairline won’t be as visible as before.
9. Shape Up and Shaped Beard
If you’ve put the time and effort into getting a killer beard, it goes without saying that you should do the same for your haircut. Oftentimes, men with beards prefer connecting their shape up to their beard through their sideburns. In this context, the edges should have a continuous line that curves with the natural shape of the beard.
10. Soft Shape Up Haircut
You don’t need a sharp shape up to look your very best. In fact, many guys with textured hair look far better with a softer hairline. To get the effect, leave the hair around your temples a little bit longer than with a regular shape up. Also, don’t push too far into the lines for a natural touch.
11. Shape Up Haircut with Waves
Men who want to keep their afro-textured locks neatly cropped should definitely look into deep waves. Not only do they look incredible but they also bring out the best in a shape up. For a waves hairstyle, we recommend the sharp and curved line combination.
12. Undercut Shape Up
If you have an undercut or are planning on getting one, a line up is just what you need. No matter what type of hair you have, a set of sharp edges has the magic of pulling the haircut together. You can add a shape up to the mix regardless if you have a disconnected or faded undercut.
13. Two-Layers Undercut with Line Up
On that note, a shape up works incredibly well with a two-layer undercut. If you want your undercut to feature two distinct layers, each with a separate length, line up the edges. Stop the shape up exactly at the transition from one layer to the other. To accentuate the contrast, shave a line along the middle, like in the photo below.
14. Afro Shape Up Haircut
There are plenty of ways you can rock afro hairstyles for men. While some guys like funky fresh retro afros, others want a tighter, more modern approach. To get the best of both worlds, try a medium afro shape up haircut. You can retain a good few inches of textured curls while cleaning up the hairline. A subtle fade around the ears will complete the look perfectly.
15. Cropped Shape Up Haircut
In contrast, you can opt for a short and easygoing haircut that won’t need as much daily maintenance. To keep matters simple in between touch up appointments, ask your barber to follow the shape of your natural hairline as much as they can. The shorter the top, the less you’ll have to deal with combing and styling.
16. Temp Fade Haircut
What happens when you combine a line up with a taper fade? You get the temp fade haircut. Essentially, a temp fade or box fade is a shape up haircut that fades towards the edges. If your main hairstyle will have some sort of fade, an added temp fade is the detail you have been looking for.
17. Bald Fade Shape Up Haircuts
Speaking of fades, there is a huge variety you can choose from to top off your shape up. For starters, you can go all out with a line up bald fade. The fade transitions from the hair on the top all the way to a shaved scalp, which is why the haircut is also known as a skin fade. If you don’t want to show that much skin, you can also see how a bald fade would look with a beard.
18. Burst Fade Shape Up Haircuts
Another type of fade you can try with a shape up is the burst fade. Typically paired with a cropped mohawk, the burst fade outlines the sides of the head in a half circle fashion. All in all, the hair starts longer and tapers down to a low or skin fade around the ears. In the end, the fade seems to burst out from behind the ear, hence the name of the haircut.
Burst Fade Shape Up Haircut
19. High Top Fade Line Up Haircut
Shape ups and high top fades go hand in hand as few other haircuts do. In 9 out of 10 situations, a high top fade will always be accompanied by a skillful line-up. Unless you have a fully shaven undercut below your high top, the edges need to be tidied up for the hairstyle to work.
20. Low Fade Edge Up Haircut
Are you more of a low key kind of guy? In your case, a shape up with a low fade haircut may be the most suitable choice. Here, the fade will start exactly where the line up ends. Therefore, you’ll have a good amount of contrast in your hairstyle. To balance the gradient, add a curved line below the main sharp angle.