How To Speed Up Weight Loss – 10 Things You Can Do Now to Accomplish That


Achieve your goals.
To lose weight requires determination, but there are ways to make it happen faster. Here are 10 ways how to speed up weight loss.

Are you trying to lose weight? First of all, you need to know the basic knowledge that the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than what you are consuming – it’s called being in a caloric deficit.

Although doing more cardio will help you burn more calories and, eventually, lose weight, there are other ways you can lose fat faster. Max Posternak talked about how to speed up weight loss in one of his videos.

Max Posternak is the founder of Gravity Transformation, a website focused on giving tips and training guidance for people looking to improve their fitness and lose weight. His YouTube channel has over 4.8 million subscribers.

Check out 10 ways how to speed up weight loss below.

How to Speed Up Weight Loss
1. Carb cycling
Carb cycling is helpful especially for beginners because is an easy way to lose fat without giving up carbs altogether. Simply divide your week into high-carb days, low-carb days, and no-carb days.

Even though your calories may be higher than maintenance levels on a high-carb day, they should balance out with low and no-carb days to create a substantial calorie deficit.

2. Less Calories 2 Days Per Week
This is known as a 5:2 dieting approach, another way of intermittent fasting. On your fasting days, you would eat less than 500 calories per day. You could choose to have those days one after the other, or on separate days of the week.

This will help you decrease the total calories you eat and lower your blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity to help burn fat even further.

3. Extended Fast
If you want to try to extend your period of fasting, ingesting no calories at all, Posternak suggests not going over 36-42 hours of fasting. You could reap the benefits of this by simply having one meal one day, be it breakfast or dinner.

4. Eat Salad or Green Veggies Before Each Meal
It might sound obvious, but it is a game-changer. Eating a salad or green veggies before each of your meals is one sure way to answer how to speed up weight loss.

You should eat them before a meal because vegetables make you feel full for a very small amount of calories.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Studies done on rats show that apple cider vinegar can increase your metabolism, help you burn fat, decrease your appetite and lower your blood sugar. Another study done with humans showed that it could help with losing belly fat, but not that much more.

So it is not just about drinking apple cider vinegar, but you need to implement a good diet and exercise routine.

6. Green Tea
Green tea has potent antioxidants and can boost your metabolism.

7. Long Duration Cardio or HIIT After Workout
Posternak suggests to do after every workout:

30-minute of long duration steady state cardio (treadmill, stair climber, airdyne bike)
15-minute of HIIT (exercises back to back with no rest for a certain interval)

8. More Aggressive Diet Plan
If you cut calories, your body will try to adjust to survive, so every once in a while you might want to be more aggressive on your diet plan.

If you have a lot of fat to lose, you could cut your calories somewhere between 40% of the calories you eat at the moment. “The key thing to keep in mind in order to make such deficit work is that you should listen to your body when you get really hungry and when that happens you should decrease your deficit on those days.”

9. Getting More Sleep
Not getting enough sleep means you will have less energy for exercise, less impulse control when it comes to making decisions on what to eat, and it messes with important fat loss hormones such as cortisol, ghrelin and leptin.

10. Being Consistent
This is one of the best tips for you to speed up weight loss, build muscle, or achieve pretty much anything you want in your life. If you constantly stop your journey, you will not achieve your goals.

Sadly, this is one of the hardest things for people to follow, because dieting for a week or a month can be achievable, but think about dieting for a full year.

Those are the arguments from Max Posternak on how to speed up weight loss. If you want to know more details about each of them, check out his video below.


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