How to get a Perfect Glowing Skin?


A glowing and beautiful skin needs proper skincare along with optimum nutrition and hydration. Adoption of a good routine is also important. Whatever you eat and whatever you do, ultimately reflects on and from your skin. Hence, you need to take care of your skin and provide it with good nutrients regularly. Following are some important pointers to remember when it comes to daily skin care:

1.Get in a good skincare routine to get that perfect glowing skin:

A good skin care routine is the first step to resolve virtually every skin problem. This helps you clean up your skin topically and remove all its dirt and dead cells. You just need to remember the CTM that is cleansing, toning and moisturising:

  • Clean your skin: Cleansing your face should always be the first thing to do the moment you come back from a long day at work. Not only does it remove dirt and harmful bacteria but also it helps to reduce stress, making you look refreshed. Avoid soaps for cleansing your skin instead, choose a good face wash according to your skin type. If your skin isn’t dry then use a mild face wash and avoid alcohol-based products. Wash your face at least twice daily.
  • Toning: Toning as the name suggests, helps even your skin tone and closes large skin pores so your face looks flawless and young. It improves skin hydration and nutrition and helps to reduce blemishes and scars. Also, it ensures the removal of any extra dirt that may be left after cleansing. You can choose a commercial toner as per your skin type and tone your skin right after cleansing. Try to opt for a non- alcohol based toner whenever you can as it may avoid skin drying. Alternatively, you can use rosewater for toning your skin and face. It contains natural substances that have the same action as any commercial toner and does not harm your skin in the long term.
  • Moisturizing: Moisturizing is an important step to avoid dry skin and to take care of older skin cells. It helps lock in hydration so your skin looks brighter and fresh. Do not dry your skin completely before applying a moisturiser. Apply the moisturiser while your skin is still a bit damp. Petroleum jelly is a good moisturiser for the body but it is a little greasy. So, you can choose any other light moisturizer for your face and body if you want. It is advised to apply any natural moisturizer as it can give you more therapeutic benefits. Also, choose a moisturizer with sunscreen properties so that you don’t have to apply sunscreen.
  • Exfoliation: Apart from CTM you can also add exfoliation to your regular skin care routine. It helps in eliminating all the dirt particles and dead cells clogged in your skin pores, leaving you with a rejuvenated skin. You need to use an exfoliating brush or a scrubber for it. Exfoliation also helps in treating blackheads and whiteheads. This will make your skin pores clean and give your skin cells a healthy environment to grow. You don’t have to scrub your face daily, just exfoliate your skin twice (for oily skin) and once (for dry skin) a week.

2.Massage your face:

A CTM only makes for basic skin care. To get that ethereal and beautiful skin, you need to go the extra mile and opt for a massage. Massage improves blood circulation and rejuvenates skin. Regular massage can drain the lymphatic system and remove away all the waste and toxins from the skin, increasing that inner glow. For effective results, use a good natural cream for massage. You can also use coconut oil or honey for massaging. Don’t be too harsh while massaging. Just take a small amount of your moisturizer and rub it in a circular motion your face. Try giving a gentle massage daily. If that is not possible, massage at least on alternate days.

3.Avoid sun exposure:

Radiations from the sun can damage your skin intensely. The invisible ultraviolet rays from the sun are the main cause of skin cell damage. This can also lead to tanning and many other skin problems. So, it is advised not to go out in the sun too much or wear body-covering clothes whenever you go out. You can also get a skin tan on cloudy days. So, always apply a good amount of sunscreen with SPF more than 30.

4.Quit smoking:

Tobacco is a major cause of premature ageing and degradation of skin. The reason behind it is that tobacco leads to degradation of collagen, elastic fibres, and proteoglycans, macronutrients responsible for maintaining skin structure. It also creates an imbalance between biosynthesis and degradation in dermal connective tissue metabolism, leading to poor skin structure and premature ageing. So, it is advised to quit smoking to ensure glowing and healthy skin.

5.Drink water:

Water is a major component of the human cell and body. Our skin is also an organ and needs water for many functions. The water you drink is first used by other organs then comes to the skin. Hence, it is advised to drink more water so that our skin gets hydration too. One of the most important functions of water for skin is to remove all the toxins. These toxins degrade the skin and create many skin issues. So, drinking an adequate amount of water can help in regulating these toxins and improving your skin health.


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