In Ayurveda, ghee, or ghrita, is a great Anupana (therapeutic vehicle) that helps carry the virtues of herbs into the body’s deep tissues. Vanaspati Ghee, sometimes referred to as vegetable Ghee, is created from vegetable oil, whereas the other form is made from dairy milk. Dairy Ghee is pure, nutritious and is considered healthier as it is a rich source of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K). It gives the body food and power while also fortifying the bones.
The most popular milk product in Indian cuisine, ghee helps with healthy food digestion and absorption, which lowers the buildup of toxins in the body. By suppressing hunger and the desire to overeat, it also aids in weight loss.
Ayurveda states that including ghee into your diet on a regular basis boosts immunity and helps prevent repeated infections. Due to its laxative qualities, ghee also aids in relieving constipation by encouraging bowel movements. Ghee’s Vata and Balya qualities make it an excellent brain food, as well, as it enhances brain function overall.
Applying ghee topically promotes rapid wound healing and reduces edema because of its anti-inflammatory qualities. Because of its Sita (cold) quality, it also relieves burning sensations. Ghee improves the skin’s hydration content and aids in wrinkle management.
Because of its cold potency, it is best to avoid using excessive amounts of Ghee when suffering from a cold or cough. Vomiting and loose movements might also result from excessive consumption.
What are the synonyms of Ghee?
Clarified butter, Gava Ghrit, and Ghee Gai Ghia, Nei, Neyyi, Nei, Gaya ka ghee, Tuppa, Pasu, Ney, Pasu Nei, Toop
What is the source of Ghee?
Plant Based
1. Malnutrition
According to Ayurveda, malnutrition and Karshya illness are connected. This results from poor digestion and a deficiency in nutrients. Malnutrition can be controlled by regular Ghee consumption. This is because of its ability to increase Kapha, which provides body strength. Ghee gives you energy right away and meets your body’s need for calories.
2. Weak memory
The two biggest factors contributing to poor memory or memory disorders are stress and insomnia. Ghee is a brain tonic that helps with memory and attention. This is because of its Balya (strength provider) and Vata balancing qualities.
3. Loss of appetite
When ghee is included in a regular diet, it can enhance hunger. According to Ayurveda, Agnimandya, or weak digestion, is the cause of appetite loss. It is brought on by an imbalance in the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, which results in insufficient food digestion. This results in the stomach producing insufficient amounts of gastric juice, which makes people less hungry. Regular use of ghee increases hunger and ignites the digestive fire.
4. Recurrent infection
Ghee is beneficial in managing recurrent infections such as colds and coughs, as well as seasonal allergic rhinitis. One of the finest Ayurvedic treatments for these kinds of ailments is ghee. Including Ghee in the diet on a regular basis boosts immunity to stave against infections. This is because the property is enhanced by its Ojas (immunity).
1. When using Ghee as a medication, take it for the entire prescribed term; a high amount may cause nausea and dizziness.
2. Steer clear of ghee if you have fatty liver or jaundice.
3. If you are experiencing a lot of coughing and colds, take tiny doses of Ghee. This is due to the cold potency of ghee.
4. Take Buttermilk or warm water if you face indigestion after taking Ghee.
Breastfeeding from an Ayurvedic perspective Ghee is safe to consume in food amounts during nursing.
Pregnancy ayurvedic VIEW Always add Ghee in the diet during pregnancy. Ghee can be started throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. However, it is advised to incorporate Ghee into your diet after speaking with your doctor if you are currently overweight or if you feel that your weight is increasing.
A. For constipation
Before going to bed, take a teaspoon or two of Ghee with some warm milk to help with constipation.
B. For headache
Once or twice a day, put two to three drops of ghee into each nostril to relieve headaches.
C. To remove dryness
To lessen body dryness, take 1-2 teaspoons of ghee on an empty stomach.
Take it once a day for three months for better results.
D. Daily cooking
Take 1-2 teaspoons of Ghee for cooking your daily food.
1. Use Ghee in small quantities or on alternative days if your skin is too oily.
2. Apply Ghee on hair after diluting it with coconut oil.
A. For skin that is parchedOnce a day or three times a week, apply Ghee straight to the skin to avoid dryness and inflammation.
B. For chapped lipsRub sugar and Ghee across your lips to exfoliate dead cells.
C. For a headacheOnce a day, massage the feet and forehead with ghee to relieve headaches.
D. To lessen hair loss, use ghee and coconut oil to the scalp three times a week.
E. To accelerate wound healing and lessen searing pain, apply ghee mixed with powdered turmeric.