Foods We Shouldn’t Eat in Winter


Fresh, juicy products might seem like a great option to brighten your winter days, however, we need to keep in mind that in these colder months, most of them get shipped from warmer regions. During this process, their beneficial features can fade away, leaving them with little to no nutritional value. In fact, some tasty goods that are produced locally can actually be rather harmful when consumed in winter.

Bright Side wants to keep our readers healthy during this colder season. We feel the urge to share our list of some foods that are better to set aside till warmer seasons. Let’s check them out!


The best time for trying asparagus is spring, its natural season. In winter, asparagus gets shipped over long distances from Peru or China. During this period not only does the taste and texture start fading away, but the vitamins disappear as well. A lot of useful elements disappear during the time of shipment, making it less nutritious to us.

Packed greens

Bagged greens are pre-washed and pre-chopped for us to make it easy and quick to consume. However, such pre-washing can damage greens’ fiber and lead to the loss of vitamins in them. In the end, we’re left with a good looking, less-healthy product. It’s better to wait for the warmer seasons to buy them freshly grown and unpacked.

Strawberries and blueberries

Summer is the best time for growing berries. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C which firms collagen, and blueberries can help to prevent skin cancer and boost brain activity. But it’s best to consume only locally grown berries. Those that are getting shipped from many kilometers away won’t have much flavor or nutrients. If you still want to enjoy them, then you can opt for frozen variants.

Corn on the cob

Corn grows only in the summer and in no other seasons. So the corn on the cob that you find in your local supermarket may not be as fresh as you think. Instead, they may be either frozen or left over from the previous summer. The region that can be an exception here is Florida — there, corn usually starts to mature in late January.

Dairy products

Some dairy products like curd and milk should be consumed with care in winter. Curd can increase the mucus secretion from the glands and can impact the overall state of the body. People who already have coughs or colds or who suffer from asthma can worsen the problem by consuming it. That’s because milk can cause phlegm.


It turns out, sugar can promote depressive moods, especially in winter. Sugar intake triggers the inflammation processes in your body and reduces the release of dopamine, an element that plays a role in how we feel pleasure. Winter is already a rather gloomy season for many and extra consumption of added sugars can make it even worse.

Red meat

Red meat is a great source of protein that is necessary for strengthening muscles and metabolism. However, frequent consumption of it can cause a concentration of mucus in your throat. It’s better to choose to eat chicken or fish during this season.

Do you eat any of these foods in winter? What do you prefer to avoid during this cold season? Let’s share our thoughts in the comment section!


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