Periods… A Monthly Nightmare?
Awful Cramps, breast pain, bloating, fatigue, mood swings, back ache!
Is there a natural remedy to these extremely unpleasant situations faced by women? Can we say goodbye to pain killers? One out of three females misses their work, school or college because of their periods. This ultimately hampers their performance parameters.
Research on Exercise During Periods
New research suggests that Exercise could actually help reduce your period pain. Hitting the gym could ease cramps and fatigue. In a study of more than 14,000 women, a majority i.e. 78% said exercise reduces symptoms they experience associated with their menstrual cycle. 69% said they were compelled to change their exercise routines while on their period. The research, led by a team from St Mary’s University, appeared to back this up.
However, women who followed the physical exercise guidelines set out by the World Health Organisation and ate at least five portions of fruits and vegetables were less likely to miss work due to period symptoms than others.
Reports say that almost three-quarters, i.e.72% of women around the world receive no education regarding exercise and their menstrual cycle. This figure increased to 82% in the UK and Ireland, where 40% said they reduced exercising during puberty, compared to figures of less than 20% in the USA, France and Germany.
Here are some Questions and Answers Related to Periods and Exercise
Why should you exercise on your period?
Getting exercise may quite possibly be the best thing you can do during your period to alleviate cramps or feel better about bloating. Exercising actually has the ability to increase oxygen-supply to the muscles. The endorphins will give you a much needed mood booster.
Is there more weight gain or loss on your period?
During your period or even before, you’ll usually see a two to five pounds difference in your weight. Many women worry about gaining weight during this time. It’s normal to gain about three to five pounds during your period. Generally, it will go away a few days after your period starts. Period-related weight gain is caused by hormonal fluctuations.
The menstrual cycle does not directly impact weight loss or gain, but there may be some secondary connections. Symptoms include changes in appetite and food cravings, and that can affect weight in the list of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Is walking good during periods?
Though it is harder to go out or on the treadmill for your walking workout while having menstrual cramps, bloating, and other effects, physical activity like walking slower or shorter will be better for you than sitting.
Which exercise is best during periods?
Light walking or other light cardio are the best exercises to do on your period. Keep your cardiovascular or aerobic exercise at a lower intensity or keep it at a slower pace than your regular workout. Low-volume strength training and power-based activities like Yoga and Pilates will do you good.
Is it harmful to lift weights during periods?
During your period, as your estrogen levels are at their lowest, it could make you feel more powerful when lifting weights. Remember not to lift too heavy weights as it will put pressure on your core and may worsen cramps. Period flow can be reduced by heavy weights during menstruation because of over exertion in the body. Maintain a time period for your workouts without dehydrating the body. It is better to consult your gynaecologist if you are suffering from heavy menses and painful cramps.
Should you run on your period?
Runners may prefer to avoid or reduce their running when bleeding is heavy, but it isn’t necessary to do this. Your period should not affect your running routine, but the symptoms can make a difference. Cramps, bloating and fatigue can spoil both your speed and stamina.
Does exercise affect your period?
Intense training and quick weight loss in athletes can affect your periods. Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) is called exercise-associated amenorrhea. Sudden start of exercise and workout, may result in missing your period. Exercise affects the menstrual cycle by elevating the metabolism.
Can exercise stop or make your periods early?
Exercise only affects your periods when you burn more calories than you eat. However, intense exercise and losing weight quickly can cause irregular periods or cause your period to stop altogether. Without adequate energy, due to poor eating habits, your body doesn’t produce the right amount of reproductive hormones it needs to ovulate normally. So work out on a healthy eating and exercise plan.
What should you eat during period days?
Eat the Right Foods for Period Pain. Some Foods Every Woman Should Add to Her Diet to relieve PMS Symptoms are:
Salmon : Omega-3 Fatty Acids which is the best for period cramps .
Bananas : contain Magnesium.
Quinoa: Vitamin B.
Skim or Low Fat Milk and Eggs: Calcium-Vitamin D.
Walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds: manganese which eases cramps
Brown rice: vitamin B-6, which may reduce bloating.
Olive oil and broccoli: vitamin E.
Chicken, fish, and leafy green vegetables: iron, which is lost during menstruation.
Natural sugars in fruits like watermelon, plums, figs, and berries help to alleviate bloating.
Home Remedies to get rid of menstrual cramps fast other than exercise
Applying heat. Heat helps to relax the contracting muscles in your uterus, which is the cause for your pain.
Drink chamomile tea.
Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D.
Have an orgasm.