A speedy shape-up

Forgot to get fit? This unique slim-and-sculpt plan is the answer!

Pop over
Works: Works abs, butt, legs
Stand with feet together, knees soft, hands on hips, sandbag placed about 3 inches outside of left foot (as shown). Jump quickly side to side over sandbag for 30 seconds, landing with feet together To help you move forward, pump your arms like you’re cross-country skiing.

Lunge and lift
Works: Works arms, abs, butt, legs
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding sandbag in middle with both hands in front of you. Lunge forward with right leg. Shift sandbag to right hand, then pass it under right leg to left hand (as shown) For one rep, pull your right leg up and bend it 90 degrees while maintaining balance on your left foot. Push off your right foot to stand up.Do 12 reps. Switch legs; repeat

Swing set
Works: Works arms, abs, butt, legs With your toes pointed out, place your feet wider than hip-width apart. Grip top of sandbag with both hands, arms straight down in front. Squat and swing sandbag back through legs and then forward, lifting it directly overhead, keeping arms straight. As you lift, rise onto balls of feet (as shown). Repeat for 30 seconds.

Squat press
Works: Works shoulders, arms, butt, legs
Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart. Rest sandbag on right shoulder, holding it in center with both hands; squat (as shown). Lift sandbag straight overhead as you stand.Lower the sandbag to rest on your left shoulder and perform another squat. Perform 12 repetitions.

Burpee toss
Works: Works shoulders, arms, abs, butt, legs
Start in push-up position with hands resting on either end of sandbag (as shown) Jump with your feet in the direction of your hands while bending your knees slightly. Pop up to standing and lift sandbag to chest level, elbows bent.Toss a sandbag above and grab it with your eyes level.Squat and press sandbag back to floor Leap and spread your legs behind you, then start over. Repeat sequence for 30 seconds.

Super sculptor push-up rotation
Works: Works shoulders, arms, abs, obliques
Kneel in push-up position, sandbag under right hand. Do one push-up. Grip sandbag with right hand; pull it toward chest, elbow bent. Straighten arm overhead, rotating torso to right (as shown). Lower arm; return to start for one rep. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Sandbag shuffle
Works: Abdomen, arms, and shouldersWorks arms, legs, butt, and shoulders Place sandbag on floor in front of you. Squat, leaning forward with back flat and chest parallel to floor, gripping each end of sandbag (as shown). Jump, straightening torso and lifting sandbag to your chest. Shuffle feet to left, then touch sandbag to floor and stand. Repeat sequence, then repeat on other side, alternating for 30 secondsB

Over-under row
Works: Works shoulders, arms, back, abs
Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft, then bend forward slightly. Raise left leg about 6 inches off floor. Hold sandbag at each end, arms straight down in front. Pull sandbag toward chest (as shown). Lower sandbag for one rep. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat

Fast feet
Works: Works arms, butt, legs
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Bend knees, then bend forward slightly, holding sandbag toward top with both hands at chest level, elbows lifted out to sides. Rise onto balls of feet (as shown).For thirty seconds, quickly sprint in place while on tiptoe.

Love handler
Works: Works abs, obliques
Secure sandbag on top of left hip with left hand. Lift hips off floor into a side plank, using abs to stabilize (as shown). Return to start for one rep. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Speed skater
Works: Works abs, butt, legs Place sandbag next to left foot while standing with feet together. Squat low, keeping back straight Swing arms to the left, hop left over the sandbag, land with your left knee slightly bent, and cross your right leg behind your left. Go right,

Folding chair
Works: Works abs, legs
Lie faceup, hands clasped behind head, elbows out; bend legs slightly, keeping feet flat on floor, and place sandbag between knees. Contract abs and lift head and upper body off floor, bringing knees in toward chest, squeezing sandbag tightly (as shown). Folding chair
Works: Works abs, legs
Lie faceup, hands clasped behind head, elbows out; bend legs slightly, keeping feet flat on floor, and place sandbag between knees. Contract abs and lift head and upper body off floor, bringing knees in toward chest, squeezing sandbag tightly (as shown). Lower to start for one rep. Do 12 reps.


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