8 Home Remedies To Treat Skin Pigmentation


Skin pigmentation can be treated with natural ingredients. Here are some home remedies to treat skin pigmentation.

You must have noticed that your skin colour goes dark when you go out too often in the sun. This is because our skin gets its colour from melanin which is a pigment responsible for colouration of our skin. When you get out in the sun, melanin production increases that leads to darker skin shade. Sometimes melanin is not produced in required amount and thus causes uneven patches on your skin which we call skin pigmentation. It can be of two types’ hyperpigmentation and hypo-pigmentation. In Hyperpigmentation your skin patches becomes darker and in hypo-pigmentation it becomes lighter.

Skin pigmentation causes damage to melanocytes in your skin which as a result causes discolouration. It can be treated with various creams and treatment methods but it is always healthy if we can cure it through natural methods. So here are some home remedies through which you can treat your skin pigmentation through natural ways

Home Remedies to Treat Hyperpigmentation
1. Saffron Oil
It is an herbal cleanser and is used to treat many skin problems and improve skin quality. Saffron oil can be applied to your face directly and then you need to massage the area of pigmentation for five minutes. Then take a bath in lukewarm water using mild soaps. This can improve imbalance in skin colour and remove toxins from your skin. Put saffron oil regularly half an hour before taking bath.

2. Herbal Paste
This is a great way to treat your skin pigmentation. Herbal bath not only cures skin pigmentation but also removes toxins and acne causing particles. It can improve your skin texture and make your skin soft and glowing. For herbal bath your need to make a paste and massage it over your skin for 20 minutes. For this you need to put the following ingredients-

1 spoon of honey
1 spoon of milk
¼ spoon of turmeric powder
Small amount of rose petals or rose water
Mix all these together in a cup until it becomes a paste. Not put this on your skin on the affected area. Leave it for 20 minutes and then have a bath. Put some rose petals or a little grape juice in the water for additional effects and benefits. You will see your skin pigmentation getting vanished in around 2 weeks

3. Liquorice
This has also been a very effective treatment for curing skin pigmentation problems. You need to make a fine paste with liquorice powder and ¼ cup of rose water. When the paste gets fine and very thin, then apply it on your pigmented skin and rub the patch for 2-3 minutes for your skin to absorb it. Keep it for half an hour and then rinse your face gently. This balances your skin and prevents harmful toxins from entering your skin.

4. Chandan Paste (Sandalwood paste)
Chandan has always been one of the best remedies for your skin. It improves your skin tone, removes toxins and excessive oil, cures many skin related problems and makes your skin healthy. Chandan paste can be made by adding 1 spoon of sandalwood powder to 1 spoon or orange juice with few drops of water. Mix it well to make it paste. Then apply it on the patches where the skin discolouration has happened and wash it off after half an hour. You will see the difference in your skin within a few days.

Home Remedies for Hypopigmentation
1. Bakuchi Oil
For hypopigmentation bakuchi oil is very beneficial. You can mix it with coconut oil that will clear the patches and remove toxins from your skin. Both the oils should be mixed in equal quantity depending on the surface you need to put the oil on. Apply the mixture of oil on your affected skin and stand in the morning sunlight for 5-7 minutes. Then come back inside and wait for another half an hour before going to bath. Use lukewarm water while bathing and repeat this exercise daily till your skin pigmentation gets eradicated.

2. Neem paste
Make a paste with 12-15 neem leaves and add a spoon of curd into it. This will help you balance your skin colour and prevent any skin disorders from occurring. Apply the paste on the affected spots and patches on the skin and wash it off after 40 minutes. You will notice the change within few days.

3. Manjistha (Rubia Cordfolia)
This is an oral treatment for hypopigmentation. For this you need to take ½ spoon of manjistha powder and add honey and little water. Now consume it after your meals. Have it twice in a day, after your lunch and dinner. This will purify your blood and remove ama from your body. Purification of blood will lead to healthy production of melanin in the body thus treating skin pigmentation.

4. Turmeric and Mustard Oil Paste
Prepare a paste with mustard oil in a spoon of turmeric powder. Mix it together until it becomes even and then apply it on your affected area over your skin. Rinse it off after half an hour with warm water. Turmeric and mustard oil paste will improve your skin tone and remove harmful toxins from the skin.



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