8 Mistakes you make in the Shower


Do you have your showers as you normally do? Here are a few mistakes that you might be making in the shower without even realizing it.

    • Not washing your wash cloth or loofah-You might be scrubbing yourself with the same loofah or washcloth every day. But beware! These wash clothes and loofah’s are breeding grounds for bacteria and infection. Remember to wash them a couple of times in a week. And don’t spare the hot water while washing them.
    • Exfoliating daily-It is good to exfoliate your skin to scrub off all that dead skin, dirt and pollution that is clogging your skin and its pores. But if you land up exfoliating your skin daily it will not only scrub of the essential oils but also make it oilier as the skin produces more oils to replace the ones that it has lost.
    • Washing your hair daily-Do not make the mistake of washing your hair daily. Excessive washing results in stripping it of its natural oils. And the negative impact of washing daily doesn’t end there. Your hair starts producing more oils to replace it with the oil that it has lost. So if you are in the habit of washing your hair daily, try to wash your hair every alternate day instead.
  • Washing your hair without untangling-Do not forget to comb your hair before washing it. If you do this then you stand a greater chance of losing less hair and avoiding damage to your tresses. Adopt the healthy practice of running a wide toothed comb through your hair to untangle it and prevent hair breakage while in and after the shower.
  • Using the towel roughly-Gently wipe your hair with a towel. If you use a towel with harsh movements or even tie it to your head, you land up losing a lot of hear due to breakage and even land up damaging your hair follicles.
  • Shaving before the shower-You might be in a hurry but it is not recommended to shave your legs before or just as soon as you hit the shower. Wait at least for 10 minutes in the shower before you attempt to start shaving because it takes that much time for your follicles to open up.
  • Brushing your teeth in the shower-Brushing your teeth in the shower prevents you from concentrating on the act and doing a proper job. So set aside sometime out of the shower to perfectly clean those pearls in your mouth.
  • Shower with hot water-A hot water shower might sound welcoming in the cold winter months. But as a matter of fact hot water can dry out the skin and highlight other skin problems. So stick to warm water if possible.

So try and avoid these mistakes if you have been a victim of them to protect your hair, body and skin.


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