15 Everyday Beauty Tips Every Woman Needs To Know


You don’t have to depend on your beautician to look good, all the time. There are a lot of things that you can do on your own to enhance your beauty. Here are 15 simple and effective tips that can help you become your own beautician.

1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. If you stay hydrated, your skin will glow and look youthful, and is less likely to dry out.

2. Concealers can help brighten up your face. Use it when you look tired or want to cover up sunspots, blemishes and dark circles under your eyes.

3. Never ignore your eye brows. When you tweeze and thread your brows regularly, they’ll give you a polished and clean look, and thereby, enhance your natural beauty.

4. If you want to get a natural red glow on your skin for sometime, pinch your cheeks. This teeny moment of pain can prove to be helpful when you have less time and want to make a great first impression.

5. Smile as often as possible. No amount of cosmetic products can possibly give you the kind of beauty a genuine and wholehearted smile can. So, use this natural tool to enhance your beauty.

6. Never forget to moisturize your face before going to bed. Your skin has many pores that accumulates dirt from the surroundings during the day. Moisturizing will help cleanse your skin and prevent the occurrence of pimples.

7. Give yourself a manicure at home. Clean the old nail polish, shape the nails evenly, remove the cuticles gently and apply your favorite nail polish.

8. Brush your hair before going to bed to strengthen its roots. Give it a soapy water bath at night every day, however make sure you do not go to sleep with wet hair because wet hair increases the chances of hair breakage.

9. If your eye liner tends to crumble every time you put it on, freeze it for 15 minutes prior to applying make up. The eye liner will then glide alone your lash line seamlessly.

10. When you’re out of shaving cream, use your conditioner to shave your legs instead of using soap. This help your skin feel extra silky, making it easier for you to shave.

11. To restore moisture in your hair locks, soak your hair in beer or vinegar and then rinse with cold water. This practice also helps your hair shine.

12. To keep fat cells, wrinkles and acne under control, massage your face using ice cubes until it melts. Do it every night before going to bed.

13. Whether it’s a sunny, wintry or rainy day, never forget to apply sunscreen. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 80 per cent of the sun’s UV rays pass through the clouds.

14. Never pop your zits. Not only will it give scars to your face, it will also worsen the blemish and spread bacteria to other places, giving rise to more zits.

15. Use oil-based products to remove make up instead of over-cleaning your face. This is because oil-based products improves your epidermis’s condition and prevents your skin from secreting more oil.

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