14 Easy Ways to Lose Weight All Day



Find out the best times to exercise and eat to maximize weight loss results. You’ll boost metabolism, burn calories, and torch belly fat for 24 hours with these healthy-eating tips and workout advice.

7:00 AM
Wake up and do 2 minutes of jumping jacks, high-knee skips, push-ups, or crunches, or find out how to become a morning exerciser to get your workout done in the morning hours.

7:15 AM
Have two scrambled eggs and a slice of Canadian bacon, or any of these belly-flattening breakfasts. A 2009 Purdue University study found that a high-protein breakfast makes people feel fuller throughout the day, so they’re less likely to overeat.

7:45 AM
Hit the gym, and lower weights slowly. Taking 3 seconds to lower weights during full-body resistance training can rev your metabolism for up to 3 days, according to a Wayne State University study. (Study participants used a challenging weight for 5 sets of 6 repetitions for each exercise.) Follow our women’s guide to strength training for beginners to find out how to get started.

9:00 AM
Drink some milk. A diet with plenty of calcium-rich dairy can enhance weight loss, according to a 2007 study of overweight people. If traditional milk is not your style, check out this guide to milk alternatives to find the right one for you.

10:00 AM
Grab a protein-rich snack, like half a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with Swiss cheese. In a Georgia State University study, athletes who ate three 250-calorie snacks a day were more likely to lose body fat and have more energy than those who didn’t.

11:00 AM
Walk briskly around the office/neighborhood/mall during your break. A recent Mayo Clinic study found that lean people walk an average of 3½ miles more per day than obese people do. As a bonus, you can actually walk your way to weight loss with these five tips.

1:00 PM
For lunch, have a spinach salad with grilled halibut and sliced almonds. All contain magnesium, a metabolism-friendly mineral.

2:00 PM
If you have a meeting with just one or two people, walk the halls as you talk. It’s just one of the ways you can fit more exercise into your day.

4:00 PM
Down a glass of iced green tea. According to a study in the Journal of Nutrition, the catechins in green tea decrease body fat. We’re not talking any of these terrible iced teas, either. Go for a healthy, homemade recipe that’ll keep the sugar count down.

5:00 PM
Munch a handful of wasabi peas or some other fiery snack. According to a 2006 study review, spicy foods help burn fat and calories.

7:00 PM
Take a short walk before dinner. Follow these expert tips for a better walking workout that’ll make you burn more calories while you stroll.

7:30 PM
Eat dinner. If you ate lightly today, don’t worry about having a heavier meal now. “It doesn’t matter when you fuel up; it’s how many gallons you put in the tank,” says Gary Foster, PhD, director of Temple University’s Center for Obesity Research and Education.

9:30 PM
Grab a good book or magazine, turn on some tunes, and relax. Stress jacks up your level of cortisol, a chemical that boosts abdominal fat.

10:30 PM
Draw your shades so the sun won’t rouse you too early and follow these 50 ways to sleep better tonight. According to a 2008 review, losing sleep affects the hormones that turn your appetite on and off, making you feel hungrier.


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