Beauty has never been defined in words and can never be, because a topic as extensive as this cannot be limited to a few expressions. Beauty can even be misunderstood at times because of conflicting opinions. Hence, the meaning of beauty differs from person to person and perspective to perspective. For some, it might be looking pretty, for some it might be having a good heart and for others it might be looking presentable in front of others. However, here we have considered beauty to be the latter- being able to look presentable and good to the eyes of an onlooker. For that, you need to prep yourself using certain tips and tricks.So, here we have brought together a list of simple yet highly effective tips to follow for a bright and beautiful you. These tips include homemade remedies too, which is easier to follow.
1.Drink lots of water
It is important to keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. This keeps your body cool all the time and a hydrated supple skin naturally lights up your face.
2. Constantly wash your face
If you have been outside for long time, you need to wash your face to clean your pores of all kinds of dirt that might’ve gotten inside and clogging them. Simply splash clean water a few times to keep your facial skin fresh.
3. Always cover yourselves
The environment today is more polluted than it was many years ago. So, it is better you cover your face and hands so it remains protected from the sun, dust and pollution.
4. Go “makeup-free” while going to sleep
After long day with make-up loaded on your face, it is healthier, if you take it off with a wet tissue or a liquid make-up remover, before you go to bed, for a peaceful sleep. Let your skin breath!
5. Stick to natural remedies
Imagine what happens to your face when you use all those chemicals on it. It will look better for a short while, however, on the long run, it will have major ill-effects on your face. Thus, using products that have lesser chemicals and more natural products as possible would have a long-term effect. You wouldn’t possibly want to use natural products, but you can always make sure the amount of chemicals in your daily products.
6. Use oil for softer lips
If you notice your lips going all dry and chapped, it is because of the dead skin cells. There are two easy ways to get rid of all that dead skin cells. Either wet a towel and rub it softly onto your lips and remove off the skin cells or then to keep it as it is and apply essential oils to keep it hydrated.
7. Use coconut oil
If you feel your hair has become too dry and damaged your hand might directly go towards hair shampoos and conditioners that are high on chemicals. However, you won’t believe that a product like coconut oil, found commonly in your kitchens can rectify that. Warm up the coconut oil and rub it evenly into the roots of your hair and after quite a while of massaging it on your scalp, leave it on for some time and wash it off later.
8. Keep yourself safe from sun
The sun scorches your skin once you are out. So, like discussed earlier, it is better to cover yourself before you step out onto the sun. Always have a scarf to cover your head and face. Keep your hands, face and legs moisturized and don’t forget to slap good amounts of sunscreen before stepping out, even on those cloudy rainy days. Avoid tanning by applying some tomato pulp as soon as you come home on a bright sunny day.
9. Comb it through frizz-free hair
To keep your hair frizz-free, keep combing it whenever possible.Use a frizz-free serum or cream for your hair, remember not to apply it on the roots.
10. Miraculous green tea
All of us know green tea can work wonders for a lot of our health problems. But how many of us know that it can be used for beauty too? The detox agent can be used as a face pack as its an effective coolant which helps keeping your face hydrated for a longer time. You can also put used green tea bags on your eyes for those dark circles to vanish.
11. Milk for the winner’s glow
This night time drink or the breakfast essential can also be included on your daily beauty kit. The creamy layer on top of hot milk, needn’t be thrown away. Instead, it can be used to keep your face moisturized. Pick the cream on the palm of your hands, smear it across your face evenly and let it rest for a while before you wash it off to a brighter and instantly glowing face.
12. Cleanse your internal system
It is not enough if you take care of your external appearance. You also need to take care of your health to get the healthy glow on your face. Thus, every day when you wake up, include it in your routine to have a cup of warm water, with a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon in it. This will help you cleanse your body from the inside and let that glow on your face.
13. Eat healthy
The final and most important technique is to make sure that you eat healthy food. Whatever is inside, will show on your face. So, loading yourself with fatty food during your meal can make your face look extremely oily and on the other hand, drinking lots of water can keep you cool inside and gives your face a natural glow.
14. Use anti-ageing creams
How much ever we insist that you stick to natural products, anti-ageing creams, rich in collagen can slow down ageing of skin, to a certain extent. Thus, make it a point to start using these creams, once you hit your 30’s and make sure to compensate the chemical dosage by using natural products for other beauty purposes.